Jo Herstad
Jo Herstad
Associate Professor, IfI, University of Oslo
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Cited by
Three tensions in participatory design for inclusion
H Holone, J Herstad
Proceedings of the sigchi conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2013
Animation techniques in human-robot interaction user studies: A systematic literature review
T Schulz, J Torresen, J Herstad
ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction (THRI) 8 (2), 1-22, 2019
Privacy at home: an inquiry into sensors and robots for the stay at home elderly
T Schulz, J Herstad, H Holone
Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Applications in Health …, 2018
Developing scenarios for Mobile CSCW
S Kristoffersen, J Herstad, F Ljungberg, F Løbersli, JR Sandbakken, ...
proceedings of the First Workshop on Human Computer Interaction with mobile …, 1998
Feedback from digital systems used in higher education: An inquiry into triggered emotions-two universal design oriented solutions for a better user experience
D Saplacan, J Herstad, Z Pajalic
Transforming our World Through Design, Diversity and Education, 421-430, 2018
Using personal traces in context space: Towards context trace technology
OW Rahlff, R Kenneth Rolfsen, J Herstad
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 5, 50-53, 2001
Making sense of co-creative tangibles through the concept of familiarity
J Herstad, H Holone
Proceedings of the 7th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction …, 2012
The ‘Critical Case’in Information Systems Research
KH Rolland, J Herstad
Proceedings of IRIS 23, 2000
Search, read and write: An inquiry into web accessibility for people with dyslexia
G Berget, J Herstad, FE Sandnes
Universal Design 2016: Learning from the Past, Designing for the Future, 450-460, 2016
Wireless Mark-up Language as a framework for interaction with mobile computing and communication devices
J Herstad, DV Thanh, S Kristoffersen
May 20, date, 1998
Walking away from the robot: negotiating privacy with a robot
TW Schulz, J Herstad
Electronic workshops in computing (eWiC), 2018
An analysis of independent living elderly’s views on robots: a descriptive study from the Norwegian context
D Saplacan, J Herstad, Z Pajalić
ACHI 2020, The Thirteenth International Conference on Advances in Computer …, 2020
Classifying human and robot movement at home and implementing robot movement using the slow in, slow out animation principle
TW Schulz, J Herstad, J Tørresen
International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems 11 (3&4), 234-244, 2018
The use of iPad in academic setting: Ownership issues in relation to technology (non) adoption
AL Culén, BK Engen, A Gasparini, J Herstad
The multidevice paradigm in know-mobile-Does one size fit all
H Gallis, JP Kasbo, J Herstad
Proceedings of the 24th Information System Research Seminar in Scandinavia …, 2001
Differences of human perceptions of a robot moving using linear or slow in, slow out velocity profiles when performing a cleaning task
T Schulz, P Holthaus, F Amirabdollahian, KL Koay, J Torresen, J Herstad
2019 28th IEEE international conference on robot and human interactive …, 2019
An explorative study on motion as feedback: using semi-autonomous robots in domestic settings
D Saplacan, J Herstad
Int. J. Adv. Softw 12 (1), 23, 2019
UbiWheel: a simple context-aware universal control concept for smart home appliances that encourages active living
FE Sandnes, J Herstad, AM Stangeland, FO Medola
2017 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced …, 2017
Fear, Feedback, Familiarity… How are These Connected?–Can familiarity as a design concept applied to digital feedback reduce fear?
D Saplacan, J Herstad
International Conferences on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions ACHI …, 2018
Enacting technology: Accounting for the interplay between mHealth solutions and existing paper-based data reporting practices
TD Manda, J Herstad
Information Technology & People 28 (3), 442-465, 2015
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Articles 1–20