N Roxanna Razavi
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Cited by
Key differences between lakes and reservoirs modify climate signals: A case for a new conceptual model
NM Hayes, BR Deemer, JR Corman, NR Razavi, KE Strock
Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 2017
Effect of eutrophication on mercury, selenium, and essential fatty acids in Bighead Carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) from reservoirs of eastern China
NR Razavi, MT Arts, M Qu, B Jin, W Ren, Y Wang, LM Campbell
Science of The Total Environment 499, 36-46, 2014
Potential causes of enhanced transfer of mercury to St. Lawrence River Biota: implications for sediment management strategies at Cornwall, Ontario, Canada
JJ Ridal, LE Yanch, AR Fowlie, NR Razavi, TM Delongchamp, ES Choy, ...
Hydrobiologia 647 (1), 81-98, 2010
Effect of eutrophication on mercury (Hg) dynamics in subtropical reservoirs from a high Hg deposition ecoregion
NR Razavi, M Qu, D Chen, Y Zhong, W Ren, Y Wang, LM Campbell
Limnology and Oceanography 60 (2), 386-401, 2015
Emergent Freshwater Insects Serve as Subsidies of Methylmercury and Beneficial Fatty Acids for Riparian Predators Across an Agricultural Gradient
CW Twining, NR Razavi, JT Brenna, SA Dzielski, ST Gonzalez, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (9), 5868-5877, 2021
Mercury bioaccumulation in stream food webs of the Finger Lakes in central New York State, USA
NR Razavi, SF Cushman, JD Halfman, T Massey, R Beutner, LB Cleckner
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 172, 265-272, 2019
A shifting tide: recommendations for incorporating science communication into graduate training
EJ Hundey, JH Olker, C Carreira, RM Daigle, AK Elgin, M Finiguerra, ...
Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin 25 (4), 109-116, 2016
DetoxiProt: an integrated database for detoxification proteins
Z Yang, Y Yu, L Yao, G Li, L Wang, Y Hu, H Wei, L Wang, R Hammami, ...
BMC genomics 12 (3), 1-8, 2011
Mercury biomagnification in subtropical reservoir fishes of eastern China
NR Razavi, M Qu, B Jin, W Ren, Y Wang, LM Campbell
Ecotoxicology 23 (2), 133-146, 2014
Ebullition rates and mercury concentrations in St. Lawrence river sediments and a benthic invertebrate
NR Razavi, JJ Ridal, W de Wit, MBC Hickey, LM Campbell, PV Hodson
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 32 (4), 857-865, 2013
Mercury in fish from streams and rivers in New York State: Spatial patterns, temporal changes, and environmental drivers
K Riva-Murray, W Richter, N Roxanna Razavi, DA Burns, LB Cleckner, ...
Ecotoxicology 29, 1686-1708, 2020
Mercury concentrations in fish and invertebrates of the Finger Lakes in central New York, USA
NR Razavi, JD Halfman, SF Cushman, T Massey, R Beutner, J Foust, ...
Ecotoxicology 29 (10), 1673-1685, 2020
Elevated methylmercury concentration and trophic position of the non-native bloody red shrimp (Hemimysis anomala) increase biomagnification risk in nearshore food webs
ME Brown, KL Buffington, LB Cleckner, NR Razavi
Journal of Great Lakes Research 48 (1), 252-259, 2022
Mercury Concentrations in Big Brown Bats (Eptesicus fuscus) of the Finger Lakes Region, New York
AM Webster, LB Cleckner, NR Razavi
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 1-14, 2021
Role of bubbling from aquatic sediments in mercury transfer to a benthic invertebrate in the St. Lawrence River, Cornwall, Ontario
NR Razavi
Queen's University, 2008
Mercury Exposure in Two Fish Trophic Guilds from Protected and ASGM-Impacted Reservoirs in Zimbabwe and Possible Risks to Human Health
J Makaure, T Dube, D Stewart, NR Razavi
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 1-15, 2023
Reconstructing avian mercury concentrations through time using museum specimens from New York State
SA Dzielski, NR Razavi, CW Twining, LB Cleckner, VG Rohwer
Ecotoxicology 29 (10), 1802-1814, 2020
Tracking Fish Lifetime Exposure to Mercury Using Eye Lenses
H Miraly, NR Razavi, AA Vogl, RT Kraus, AM Gorman, KE Limburg
Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2022
Is Mixtures’ Additivity Supported by Empirical Data? A Case Study of Developmental Toxicity of PFOS and 6: 2 FTS in Wildtype Zebrafish Embryos
ME Fey, PE Goodrum, NR Razavi, CM Whipps, S Fernando, JK Anderson
Toxics 10 (8), 418, 2022
Changes in molecular order across the lamellar-to-inverted hexagonal phase transition depend on the position of the double-bond in mono-unsaturated phospholipid dispersions
E Sternin, T Zaraiskaya, R Razavi, RM Epand
Chemistry and physics of lipids 140 (1-2), 98-108, 2006
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Articles 1–20