Michele Polese
Michele Polese
Northeastern University
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Cited by
Toward 6G networks: Use cases and technologies
M Giordani, M Polese, M Mezzavilla, S Rangan, M Zorzi
IEEE communications magazine 58 (3), 55-61, 2020
IoT: Internet of threats? A survey of practical security vulnerabilities in real IoT devices
F Meneghello, M Calore, D Zucchetto, M Polese, A Zanella
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (5), 8182-8201, 2019
A tutorial on beam management for 3GPP NR at mmWave frequencies
M Giordani, M Polese, A Roy, D Castor, M Zorzi
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 21 (1), 173-196, 2018
Understanding O-RAN: Architecture, interfaces, algorithms, security, and research challenges
M Polese, L Bonati, S D’oro, S Basagni, T Melodia
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 25 (2), 1376-1411, 2023
End-to-end simulation of 5G mmWave networks
M Mezzavilla, M Zhang, M Polese, R Ford, S Dutta, S Rangan, M Zorzi
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 20 (3), 2237-2263, 2018
Improved handover through dual connectivity in 5G mmWave mobile networks
M Polese, M Giordani, M Mezzavilla, S Rangan, M Zorzi
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 35 (9), 2069-2084, 2017
Intelligence and learning in O-RAN for data-driven NextG cellular networks
L Bonati, S D'Oro, M Polese, S Basagni, T Melodia
IEEE Communications Magazine 59 (10), 21-27, 2021
Open, programmable, and virtualized 5G networks: State-of-the-art and the road ahead
L Bonati, M Polese, S D’Oro, S Basagni, T Melodia
Computer Networks 182, 107516, 2020
Integrated access and backhaul in 5G mmWave networks: Potential and challenges
M Polese, M Giordani, T Zugno, A Roy, S Goyal, D Castor, M Zorzi
IEEE Communications Magazine 58 (3), 62-68, 2020
Toward end-to-end, full-stack 6G terahertz networks
M Polese, JM Jornet, T Melodia, M Zorzi
IEEE Communications Magazine 58 (11), 48-54, 2020
A survey on recent advances in transport layer protocols
M Polese, F Chiariotti, E Bonetto, F Rigotto, A Zanella, M Zorzi
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 21 (4), 3584-3608, 2019
ColO-RAN: Developing machine learning-based xApps for open RAN closed-loop control on programmable experimental platforms
M Polese, L Bonati, S D'Oro, S Basagni, T Melodia
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 22 (10), 5787-5800, 2022
Will TCP work in mmWave 5G cellular networks?
M Zhang, M Polese, M Mezzavilla, J Zhu, S Rangan, S Panwar, M Zorzi
IEEE Communications Magazine 57 (1), 65-71, 2019
Machine learning at the edge: A data-driven architecture with applications to 5G cellular networks
M Polese, R Jana, V Kounev, K Zhang, S Deb, M Zorzi
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 20 (12), 3367-3382, 2020
Colosseum: Large-scale wireless experimentation through hardware-in-the-loop network emulation
L Bonati, P Johari, M Polese, S D’Oro, S Mohanti, M Tehrani-Moayyed, ...
2021 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks …, 2021
Standalone and non-standalone beam management for 3GPP NR at mmWaves
M Giordani, M Polese, A Roy, D Castor, M Zorzi
IEEE Communications Magazine 57 (4), 123-129, 2019
TCP and MP-TCP in 5G mmWave networks
M Polese, R Jana, M Zorzi
IEEE Internet Computing 21 (5), 12-19, 2017
OrchestRAN: Network automation through orchestrated intelligence in the open RAN
S D’Oro, L Bonati, M Polese, T Melodia
IEEE INFOCOM 2022-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 270-279, 2022
Programmable and customized intelligence for traffic steering in 5G networks using open RAN architectures
A Lacava, M Polese, R Sivaraj, R Soundrarajan, BS Bhati, T Singh, ...
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 23 (4), 2882-2897, 2023
Distributed path selection strategies for integrated access and backhaul at mmWaves
M Polese, M Giordani, A Roy, D Castor, M Zorzi
2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-7, 2018
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Articles 1–20