Seo Youn Yoon (윤서연)
Seo Youn Yoon (윤서연)
KRIHS (국토연구원)
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Cited by
Activity space estimation with longitudinal observations of social media data
JH Lee, AW Davis, SY Yoon, KG Goulias
Transportation 43, 955-977, 2016
Modeling travel behavior and sense of place using a structural equation model
K Deutsch, SY Yoon, K Goulias
Journal of Transport Geography 28, 155-163, 2013
Linking elderly transport mobility and subjective well-being: a multivariate latent modeling approach
S Ravulaparthy, SY Yoon, KG Goulias
Transportation research record 2382 (1), 28-36, 2013
Development of indicators of opportunity-based accessibility
Y Chen, S Ravulaparthy, K Deutsch, P Dalal, SY Yoon, T Lei, KG Goulias, ...
Transportation Research Record 2255 (1), 58-68, 2011
Spatial analysis of propensity to escort children to school in southern California
SY Yoon, M Doudnikoff, KG Goulias
Transportation research record 2230 (1), 132-142, 2011
Tunneling Analyst: A 3D GIS extension for rock mass classification and fault zone analysis in tunneling
Y Choi, SY Yoon, HD Park
Computers & Geosciences 35 (6), 1322-1333, 2009
Impact of time-space prism accessibility on time use behavior and its propagation through intra-household interaction
S Yoon, K Goulias
Transportation Letters 2 (4), 245-260, 2010
Feasibility of using time–space prism to represent available opportunities and choice sets for destination choice models in the context of dynamic urban environments
SY Yoon, K Deutsch, Y Chen, KG Goulias
Transportation 39, 807-823, 2012
Development of opportunity-based accessibility indicators
Y Chen, S Ravulaparthy, K Deutsch, P Dalal, SY Yoon, T Lei, KG Goulias, ...
National Academy of Sciences, 2011
Dynamic diurnal social taxonomy of urban environments using data from a geocoded time use activity-travel diary and point-based business establishment inventory
SY Yoon, SK Ravulaparthy, KG Goulias
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 68, 3-17, 2014
Exploring daily rhythms of interpersonal contacts: Time-of-day dynamics of human interactions with latent class cluster analysis
JH Lee, A Davis, SY Yoon, KG Goulias
Transportation Research Record 2666 (1), 58-68, 2017
An exploratory analysis on the Time-or-Day dynamics or episodic hedonic value or activities and travel
KG Goulias, S Ravulaparthy, A Polydoropoulou, SY Yoon
Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2013
A California statewide exploratory analysis correlating land use density, infrastructure supply and travel behavior
SY Yoon, TF Golob, KG Goulias
Unpacking the theory of sense of place. Is it useful for choice modeling
K Deutsch, S Yoon, KG Goulias
International Choice Modeling Conference, 1-17, 2011
Constraint-based assessment of intra-household bargaining on time allocation to activities and travel using individual accessibility measures
SY Yoon, K Goulias
On the relationship among travel behavior, time use investment and expenditures in social networks
KG Goulias, SY Yoon
16th HKSTS International Conference, Hong Kong, China, 429-436, 2011
Modeling sense of place using a structural equation model
KE Deutsch, SY Yoon, KG Goulias
Transportation Research Board 90th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2011
Transport mobility, activity and subjective well-being
SK Ravulaparthy, KG Goulias, SY Yoon, A Polydoropoulou
Travel Behaviour Research: Current Foundations, Future Prospect. Lulu …, 2013
Inequality Assessment Tool for Urban Development Using GIS-Based Accessibility Measures and Fractal Version of Theil's Index
E Kemel, SY Yoon, KG Goulias
Transportation Research Board 87th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2008
The impact of time-space prism accessibility on time allocation and its propagation through intra-household interaction
SY Yoon, KG Goulias
Santa Barbara, CA: University of California, 2010
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Articles 1–20