Yiming Luo
Yiming Luo
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Strength and geometry of the glacial Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
J Lippold, Y Luo, R Francois, SE Allen, J Gherardi, S Pichat, B Hickey, ...
Nature Geoscience 5 (11), 813-816, 2012
Climate change drives rapid decadal acidification in the Arctic Ocean from 1994 to 2020
D Qi, Z Ouyang, L Chen, Y Wu, R Lei, B Chen, RA Feely, LG Anderson, ...
Science 377 (6614), 1544-1550, 2022
The role of calcification in carbonate compensation
BP Boudreau, JJ Middelburg, Y Luo
Nature Geoscience 11, 894-900, 2018
Sediment 231Pa/230Th as a recorder of the rate of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation: insights from a 2-D model
Y Luo, R Francois, SE Allen
Ocean Science 6 (1), 381-400, 2010
Gas hydrate dissociation prolongs acidification of the Anthropocene oceans
BP Boudreau, Y Luo, FJR Meysman, JJ Middelburg, GR Dickens
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (21), 9337-9344A, 2015
Testing the 231Pa/230Th paleocirculation proxy: A data versus 2D model comparison
J Lippold, JM Gherardi, Y Luo
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (20), 2011
Changes in the geometry and strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during the last glacial (20–50 ka)
FT Pierre Burckel, Claire Waelbroeck, Yiming Luo, Didier M. Roche, Sylvain ...
Climate of the Past 12, 2061-2075, 2016
Strength and geometry of the glacial Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, Nat. Geosci., 5, 813–816
J Lippold, Y Luo, R Francois, SE Allen, J Gherardi, S Pichat, B Hickey, ...
An alternative model for CaCO3 over-shooting during the PETM: Biological carbonate compensation
Y Luo, BP Boudreau, GR Dickens, A Sluijs, JJ Middelburg
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 453, 223-233, 2016
Disparate acidification and calcium carbonate desaturation of deep and shallow waters of the Arctic Ocean
Y Luo, BP Boudreau, A Mucci
Nature Communications 7 (12821), 2016
Constraining the transport time of lithogenic sediments to the Okinawa Trough (East China Sea)
C Li, R Francois, S Yang, J Barling, S Darfeuil, Y Luo, D Weis
Chemical Geology 445, 199-207, 2016
Invariance of the carbonate chemistry of the South China Sea from the glacial period to the Holocene and its implications to the Pacific Ocean carbonate system
Y Luo, M Kienast, BP Boudreau
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 492, 112-120, 2018
Atlantic deep water circulation during the last interglacial
Y Luo, J T, C Guo, Z Zhang, J Lippold
Scientific Reports 8 (4401), 2018
Retrodiction of secular variations in deep-sea CaCO3 burial during the Cenozoic
BP Boudreau, Y Luo
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 474, 1-12, 2017
Oceanic plateau formation implied by ontong java plateau, kerguelen plateau and shatsky rise
J Zhang, Y Luo, J Chen
Journal of Ocean University of China 19, 351-360, 2020
Geological and geophysical signatures of the East Pacific Rise 8°–10° N
MVP Vithana, M Xu, X Zhao, M Zhang, Y Luo
Solid Earth Sciences 4 (2), 66-83, 2019
Sedimentary CaCO3 accumulation in the deep West Pacific Ocean
H Zhang, H Che, J Xia, Q Cheng, D Qi, J Cao, Y Luo
Frontiers in Earth Science, 599, 2022
The role of calcification in carbonate compensation, Nat. Geosci., 11, 894–900
BP Boudreau, JJ Middelburg, Y Luo
Controls on 231Pa and 230Th in the Arctic Ocean
Y Luo, J Lippold
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (14), 5942-5949, 2015
Future acidification of marginal seas: A comparative study of the Japan/East Sea and the South China Sea
Y Luo, BP Boudreau
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (12), 6393-6401, 2016
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Articles 1–20