Jamin Speer
Jamin Speer
Verifisert e-postadresse på memphis.edu - Startside
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Cashier or consultant? Entry labor market conditions, field of study, and career success
JG Altonji, LB Kahn, JD Speer
Journal of Labor Economics 34 (S1), S361-S401, 2016
Are changes of major major changes? The roles of grades, gender, and preferences in college major switching
C Astorne-Figari, JD Speer
Economics of Education Review 70, 75-93, 2019
Trends in earnings differentials across college majors and the changing task composition of jobs
JG Altonji, LB Kahn, JD Speer
American Economic Review 104 (5), 387-393, 2014
The gender gap in college major: Revisiting the role of pre-college factors
JD Speer
Labour Economics 44, 69-88, 2017
Drop out, switch majors, or persist? The contrasting gender gaps
C Astorne-Figari, JD Speer
Economics Letters 164, 82-85, 2018
Pre-market skills, occupational choice, and career progression
JD Speer
Journal of Human Resources 52 (1), 187-246, 2017
Wages, hours, and the school-to-work transition: the consequences of leaving school in a recession for less-educated men
JD Speer
The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 16 (1), 97-124, 2016
Bye bye Ms. American Sci: Women and the leaky STEM pipeline
JD Speer
Economics of Education Review 93, 102371, 2023
Labor market returns to college major specificity
M Leighton, JD Speer
European Economic Review 128, 103489, 2020
Cashier or consultant
JG Altonji, LB Kahn, JD Speer
Entry labor market conditions, 2016
How bad is occupational coding error? A task-based approach
JD Speer
Economics Letters 141, 166-168, 2016
Opening the black box of college major choice: Evidence from an information intervention
F Ersoy, JD Speer
2022 APPAM Fall Research Conference, 2022
Discrimination against women in hiring
A Osman, J Speer, A Weaver
Stigma and take‐up of labour market assistance: Evidence from two field experiments
A Osman, JD Speer
Economica 91 (361), 123-141, 2024
The consequences of promotion and relegation in European soccer leagues: A regression discontinuity approach
JD Speer
Sports Economics Review 1, 100003, 2023
STEM Occupations and the Gender Gap: What Can We Learn from Job Tasks?
J Speer
IZA Discussion Paper, 2020
Are changes of major major changes
C Astorne-Figari, JD Speer
The roles of grades, gender, and preferences in college major switching, 2017
Are Soft Skills Enough? Experimental Evidence on Skill Complementarity for College Graduates
A Osman, J Speer
Experimental Evidence on Skill Complementarity for College Graduates (August …, 2022
Where the girls are: Examining and explaining the gender gap in the nursing major
JD Speer
Scottish Journal of Political Economy 67 (3), 322-343, 2020
Rich grad, poor grad: family background and college major choice
M Leighton, JD Speer
IZA Discussion Papers, 2023
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