Vicente Pablo Guerrero Bote
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Cited by
A new approach to the metric of journals’ scientific prestige: The SJR indicator
B González-Pereira, VP Guerrero-Bote, F Moya-Anegón
Journal of informetrics 4 (3), 379-391, 2010
A further step forward in measuring journals’ scientific prestige: The SJR2 indicator
VP Guerrero-Bote, F Moya-Anegón
Journal of informetrics 6 (4), 674-688, 2012
Quantifying the benefits of international scientific collaboration
VP Guerrero Bote, C Olmeda‐Gómez, F de Moya‐Anegón
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 64 (2 …, 2013
Journal maps on the basis of Scopus data: A comparison with the Journal Citation Reports of the ISI
L Leydesdorff, F de Moya‐Anegón, VP Guerrero‐Bote
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 61 (2 …, 2010
SJR and SNIP: two new journal metrics in Elsevier's Scopus
L Colledge, F de Moya-Anegón, V Guerrero-Bote, C López-Illescas, ...
Serials 23 (3), 2010
Citation flows in the zones of influence of scientific collaborations
BS Lancho Barrantes, VP Guerrero Bote, ZC Rodríguez, ...
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 63 (3 …, 2012
The research guarantors of scientific papers and the output counting: a promising new approach
F Moya-Anegón, VP Guerrero-Bote, L Bornmann, HF Moed
Scientometrics 97, 421-434, 2013
Citation-based metrics are appropriate tools in journal assessment provided that they are accurate and used in an informed way
HF Moed, L Colledge, J Reedijk, F Moya-Anegon, V Guerrero-Bote, ...
Scientometrics 92 (2), 367-376, 2012
Citation increments between collaborating countries
BS Lancho-Barrantes, VP Guerrero-Bote, F de Moya-Anegón
Scientometrics 94, 817-831, 2013
Comparative analysis of the bibliographic data sources Dimensions and Scopus: An approach at the country and institutional levels
VP Guerrero-Bote, Z Chinchilla-Rodríguez, A Mendoza, ...
Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics 5, 593494, 2021
What lies behind the averages and significance of citation indicators in different disciplines?
BS Lancho-Barrantes, VP Guerrero-Bote, F Moya-Anegón
Journal of information science 36 (3), 371-382, 2010
Document organization using Kohonen's algorithm
VPG Bote, F de Moya Anegón, VH Solana
Information processing & management 38 (1), 79-89, 2002
SCImago Graphica: a new tool for exploring and visually communicating data
Y Hassan-Montero, F De-Moya-Anegón, VP Guerrero-Bote
Profesional de la información 31 (5), 2022
Co-word based thematic analysis of renewable energy (1990–2010)
LM Romo-Fernández, VP Guerrero-Bote, F Moya-Anegón
Scientometrics 97, 743-765, 2013
Order‐based fitness functions for genetic algorithms applied to relevance feedback
C López‐Pujalte, VP Guerrero‐Bote, F de Moya‐Anegón
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 54 (2 …, 2003
Visualization of scientific co‐authorship in Spanish universities: From regionalization to internationalization
C Olmeda‐Gómez, A Perianes‐Rodriguez, ...
Aslib Proceedings 61 (1), 83-100, 2009
Impact of prosthodontic status on oral wellbeing: a cross‐sectional cohort study
J Montero, JF López, MP Galindo, P Vicente, M Bravo
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 36 (8), 592-600, 2009
Are nationally oriented journals indexed in Scopus becoming more international? The effect of publication language and access modality
HF Moed, F de Moya-Anegon, V Guerrero-Bote, C Lopez-Illescas
Journal of Informetrics 14 (2), 101011, 2020
World scientific production in psychology
AT García-Martínez, VP Guerrero-Bote, F Moya-Anegón
Universitas Psychologica 11 (3), 699-717, 2012
A quick MST‐based algorithm to obtain Pathfinder networks (∞, n − 1)
A Quirin, O Cordón, VP Guerrero‐Bote, B Vargas‐Quesada, ...
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 59 …, 2008
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Articles 1–20