Giuseppe Geymonat
Giuseppe Geymonat
directeur de recherche émérite LMS Ecole polytechnique Palaiseau
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Homogenization of nonlinearly elastic materials, microscopic bifurcation and macroscopic loss of rank-one convexity
S Müller, N Triantafyllidis, G Geymonat
Springer-Verlag, 1993
Mathematical analysis of a bonded joint with a soft thin adhesive
G Geymonat, F Krasucki, S Lenci
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 4 (2), 201-225, 1999
Sur les lois de comportement en élasticité non linéaire compressible
PG Ciarlet, G Geymonat
Identification of elastic parameters by displacement field measurement
G Geymonat, F Hild, S Pagano
Comptes Rendus Mecanique 330 (6), 403-408, 2002
Functional spaces for Norton‐Hoff materials
G Geymonat, P Suquet, JC Nedelec
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 8 (1), 206-222, 1986
Identification of mechanical properties by displacement field measurement: a variational approach
G Geymonat, S Pagano
Meccanica 38, 535-545, 2003
Bifurcation and localization in rate-independent materials. Some general considerations
A Benallal, R Billardon, G Geymonat
Bifurcation and stability of dissipative systems, 1-44, 1993
The essential spectrum of elliptic systems of mixed order
G Grubb, G Geymonat
Mathematische Annalen 227, 247-276, 1977
Asymptotic theory and analysis for displacements and stress distribution in nonlinear elastic straight slender rods
A Cimetiere, G Geymonat, H Le Dret, A Raoult, Z Tutek
Journal of elasticity 19 (2), 111-161, 1988
Determination of the symmetries of an experimentally determined stiffness tensor: application to acoustic measurements
M Francois, G Geymonat, Y Berthaud
International journal of solids and structures 35 (31-32), 4091-4106, 1998
Some methamatical aspects of the damage softening rate problem
ABRBG Geymonat
Cracking and Damage Elsevier Amsterdam, 247-258, 1989
Alcuni risultati di teoria spettrale per i problemi ai limiti lineari ellittici
G Geymonat, P Grisvard
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Universita di Padova 38, 121-173, 1967
Sui problemi ai limiti per i sistemi lineari ellittici
G Geymonat
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 69 (1), 207-284, 1965
Post-buckling behavior of a non-linearly hyperelastic thin rod with cross-section invariant under the dihedral group Dn
E Buzano, G Geymonat, T Poston
Archive for rational mechanics and analysis 89, 307-388, 1985
Localization phenomena at the boundaries and interfaces of solids
A Benallal
3rd Int. Conf. Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials: Theory and …, 1987
On the existence of the Airy function in Lipschitz domains. Application to the traces of H2
G Geymonat, F Krasucki
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences-Series I-Mathematics 330 (5), 355-360, 2000
Γ-convergence et analyse asymptotique des plaques minces
F Bourquin, PG Ciarlet, G Geymonat, A Raoult
Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 1, Mathématique 315 (9 …, 1992
Contre-éxemples a l'inégalité de Korn et au lemme de Lions dans les domaines irréguliers
G Geymonat, G Gilardi
Équations aux dérivées partielles et applications, Articles dédiés a Jacques …, 1998
Stress distribution in anisotropic elastic composite beams
G Geymonat, F Krasucki, JJ Marigo
Applications of multiple scalings in Mechanics 4, 118-133, 1987
Some remarks on the compatibility conditions in elasticity
G Geymonat, F Krasucki
Accad. Naz. Sci. XL 123, 175-182, 2005
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Articles 1–20