Scott Wallsten
Scott Wallsten
Technology Policy Institute, Georgetown University
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The effects of government-industry R&D programs on private R&D: the case of the Small Business Innovation Research program
SJ Wallsten
The RAND Journal of Economics, 82-100, 2000
An econometric analysis of telecom competition, privatization, and regulation in Africa and Latin America
SJ Wallsten
The Journal of industrial economics 49 (1), 1-19, 2001
The Competitive Effects of the Sharing Economy: How is Uber Changing Taxis
S Wallsten
Has the internet increased trade? Developed and developing country evidence
GRG Clarke, SJ Wallsten
Economic Inquiry 44 (3), 465-484, 2006
Regulation and internet use in developing countries
S Wallsten
Economic Development and Cultural Change 53 (2), 501-523, 2005
The economics of net neutrality
RW Hahn, S Wallsten
The Economists' Voice 3 (6), 2006
Public-private technology partnerships: Promises and pitfalls
JE Stiglitz, SJ Wallsten
American Behavioral Scientist 43 (1), 52-73, 1999
Has private participation in water and sewerage improved coverage? Empirical evidence from Latin America
GRG Clarke, K Kosec, S Wallsten
Journal of International Development: The Journal of the Development Studies …, 2009
An empirical test of geographic knowledge spillovers using geographic information systems and firm-level data
SJ Wallsten
Regional Science and Urban Economics 31 (5), 571-599, 2001
Does sequencing matter? Regulation and privatization in telecommunications reforms
S Wallsten
Regulation and Privatization in Telecommunications Reforms (February 2002), 2002
Ownership, investment climate and firm performance: Evidence from Chinese firms1
M Hallward‐Driemeier, S Wallsten, LC Xu
Economics of Transition 14 (4), 629-647, 2006
Universal (ly bad) Service: Providing infrastructure services to rural and poor urban consumers
GRG Clarke, S Wallsten
Available at SSRN 316179, 2002
Broadband and unbundling regulations in OECD countries
S Wallsten
AEI-Brookings Joint Center Working Paper, 2006
Net neutrality, unbundling, and their effects on international investment in next-generation networks
S Wallsten, S Hausladen
Review of Network Economics 8 (1), 2009
The effects of ownership and benchmark competition: An empirical analysis of US water systems
S Wallsten, K Kosec
International Journal of Industrial Organization 26 (1), 186-205, 2008
Do remittances act like insurance? Evidence from a natural disaster in Jamaica
GRG Clarke, S Wallsten
Evidence from a Natural Disaster in Jamaica (January 2003), 2003
The investment climate and the firm: Firm-level evidence from China
M Hallward-Driemeier, SJ Wallsten, LC Xu
World Bank Publications, 2003
Telecommunications privatization in developing countries: the real effects of exclusivity periods
S Wallsten
SIEPR Policy Paper, 2000
Telecommunication reform in Ghana
L Haggarty, MM Shirley, S Wallsten
Available at SSRN 636345, 2002
How much is privacy worth around the world and across platforms?
JT Prince, S Wallsten
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 31 (4), 841-861, 2022
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