Yossef Tobol
Yossef Tobol
Tel-Hai College
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Junk-food, home cooking, physical activity and obesity: The effect of the fat tax and the thin subsidy
G Yaniv, O Rosin, Y Tobol
Journal of Public Economics 93 (5-6), 823-830, 2009
Roll a die and tell a lie–What affects honesty?
Y Arbel, R Bar-El, E Siniver, Y Tobol
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 107, 153-172, 2014
Honest on Mondays: Honesty and the temporal separation between decisions and payoffs
BJ Ruffle, Y Tobol
European Economic Review 65, 126-135, 2014
The evolution of secularization: cultural transmission, religion and fertility—theory, simulations and evidence
R Bar-El, T García-Muñoz, S Neuman, Y Tobol
Journal of Population Economics 26, 1129-1174, 2013
Tipping as a strategic investment in service quality: an optimal‐control analysis of repeated interactions in the service industry
OH Azar, Y Tobol
Southern Economic Journal 75 (1), 246-260, 2008
Clever enough to tell the truth
BJ Ruffle, Y Tobol
Experimental Economics 20, 130-155, 2017
The local cost of terror: Effects of the second Palestinian Intifada on Jerusalem house prices
Y Arbel, D Ben-Shahar, S Gabriel, Y Tobol
Regional Science and Urban Economics 40 (6), 415-426, 2010
Do higher achievers cheat less? An experiment of self-revealing individual cheating
G Yaniv, E Siniver, Y Tobol
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 68, 91-96, 2017
Whistle-blowers as a Deterrent to Tax Evasion
Y Mealem, Y Tobol, G Yaniv
Public Finance Review 38 (3), 306-320, 2010
Dishonesty and mandatory mask wearing in the COVID-19 pandemic
Y Tobol, E Siniver, G Yaniv
Economics letters 197, 109617, 2020
Honesty toward the holy day
R Bar-El, Y Tobol
Journal of behavioral and experimental economics 68, 13-17, 2017
A handbook of alternative theories of public economics
F Forte, R Mudambi, PM Navarra
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014
The correlation among immigrant homeownership, objective and subjective characteristics, and civic participation: new evidence from the Israeli experience
Y Arbel, D Ben-Shahar, Y Tobol
Urban Studies 49 (11), 2479-2499, 2012
Losing a real-life lottery and dishonest behavior
E Siniver, G Yaniv
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 75, 26-30, 2018
Gender differences in the effect of employee-manager friendships on salary dynamics in CPA firms
Y Tobol, R Bar-El, Y Arbel, OH Azar
Heliyon 5 (10), 2019
Parents’ marital status, psychological counseling and dishonest kindergarten children: An experimental study
Y Tobol, G Yaniv
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 167, 33-38, 2019
Self-portrayed honesty and behavioral dishonesty
G Yaniv, Y Tobol, E Siniver
Ethics & Behavior, 1-11, 2019
Fundraising to a real-life public good–evidence from the laboratory
Y Arbel, R Bar-El, Y Tobol
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 65, 27-37, 2016
To what do people contribute? Ongoing operations vs. sustainable supplies
Y Arbel, R Bar-El, ME Schwarz, Y Tobol
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 80, 177-183, 2019
Equal opportunity through higher education: Theory and evidence on privilege and ability
Y Arbel, R Bar-El, Y Tobol
IZA Discussion Papers, 2017
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