Kerstin Blumenstein
Cited by
Cited by
Evaluating Information Visualization on Mobile Devices: Gaps and Challenges in the Empirical Evaluation Design Space
K Blumenstein, C Niederer, M Wagner, G Schmiedl, A Rind, W Aigner
Proceedings of 2016 Workshop on Beyond Time And Errors: Novel Evaluation …, 2016
Native Cross-platform Visualization: A Proof of Concept Based on the Unity3D Game Engine
M Wagner, K Blumenstein, A Rind, M Seidl, G Schmiedl, T Lammarsch, ...
Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Information Visualisation (iV16), 2016
Cross-Platform InfoVis Frameworks for Multiple Users, Screens and Devices: Requirements and Challenges
K Blumenstein, M Wagner, W Aigner
Proceedings of the DEXiS 2015 Workshop on Data Exploration for Interactive …, 2015
Interactive Data Visualization for Second Screen Applications: State of the Art and Technical Challenges
K Blumenstein, M Wagner, W Aigner, R von Suess, P Harald, J Püringer, ...
International Summer School on Visual Computing, 35-48, 2015
Bringing Your Own Device into Multi-device Ecologies: A Technical Concept
K Blumenstein, M Kaltenbrunner, M Seidl, L Breban, N Thür, W Aigner
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces …, 2017
Usability Testing for Mobile Scenarios of Fragmented Attention
G Schmiedl, K Blumenstein, M Seidl
CHI Sparks Conference, HAN, 2011
PubViz: Lightweight Visual Presentation of Publication Data.
A Rind, A Haberson, K Blumenstein, C Niederer, M Wagner, W Aigner
EuroVis (Short Papers), 169-173, 2017
Interweaving Physical Artifacts with Visualization on Digital Media in Museums
K Blumenstein
Adjunct Proceedings CHItaly19, Doctoral Consortium, 26-28, 2019
Interweaving Physical Artifacts with Visualization on Digital Media in Museums
K Blumenstein
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Companion International Conference on …, 2018
Visualizing spatial and time-oriented data in a second screen application
K Blumenstein, C Niederer, M Wagner, W Pfersmann, M Seidl, W Aigner
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer …, 2017
Die vier Kernprobleme der mobilen Webentwicklung
K Blumenstein, G Schmiedl
3. Forum Medientechnik, 2010
Performance Comparison between Unity and D3. js for Cross-Platform Visualization on Mobile Devices.
L Kromer, M Wagner, K Blumenstein, A Rind, W Aigner
FMT, 47-52, 2016
Genderorientierter Informatikunterricht: Plattformübergreifende Spieleentwicklung mit Unity3D
M Wagner, K Blumenstein, U Wieländer, P Judmaier
Game Based Learning - Dialogorientierung & spielerisches Lernen digital und …, 2015
Mobilot: Architektur und technische Optionen bei der Entwicklung eines mobilen Informationssystems
T Eitler, K Blumenstein, G Schmiedl
4. Forum Medientechnik, 2011
Interweaving Physical Artifacts with Data Visualization on Digital Media in Museums
K Blumenstein
Wien, 2020
Design of Time-Oriented Visualization for Mobile Applications in Museums: A Comparative Evaluation
K Blumenstein, V Oliveira, S Größbacher, M Boucher, M Seidl, W Aigner
Adjunct Proceedings CHItaly19, 39-43, 2019
Visualizing Text Data in Space and Time to Augment a Political News Broadcast on a Second Screen.
C Niederer, W Aigner, K Blumenstein, S Emrich, M Wagner
VISIGRAPP (3: IVAPP), 192-199, 2018
LiveVis: Visualizing Results of Second Screen Surveys in Real Time at TV Stages
K Blumenstein, B Leitner, N Thür, A Kirchknopf, M Seidl, W Aigner
KuKoNö–KulturKontext Niederösterreich
K Blumenstein, BM Eggert, M Grandl, E Kasser-Höpfner, K Kratzer, ...
Design-Konzept zur Visualisierung von geopolitischen Daten auf einer Smartwatch
M Hack, M Würz, P Eberhardt, K Rudisch, G Strobl, I Miclaus, S Ulbel, ...
Forschungsforum der Österreichischen Fachhochschulen, 2017
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Articles 1–20