Karthik Charan Konduri
Karthik Charan Konduri
Principal Research Scientist, Amazon
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A methodology to match distributions of both household and person attributes in the generation of synthetic populations
X Ye, K Konduri, RM Pendyala, B Sana, P Waddell
88th Annual Meeting of the transportation research Board, Washington, DC 36, 2009
A simultaneous equations model of crash frequency by collision type for rural intersections
X Ye, RM Pendyala, SP Washington, K Konduri, J Oh
Safety science 47 (3), 443-452, 2009
A joint flexible econometric model system of household residential location and vehicle fleet composition/usage choices
N Eluru, CR Bhat, RM Pendyala, KC Konduri
Transportation 37, 603-626, 2010
Integrated land use–transport model system with dynamic time-dependent activity–travel microsimulation
RM Pendyala, KC Konduri, YC Chiu, M Hickman, H Noh, P Waddell, ...
Transportation Research Record 2303 (1), 19-27, 2012
Modeling the connection between activity-travel patterns and subjective well-being
M Archer, R Paleti, KC Konduri, RM Pendyala, CR Bhat
Transportation Research Record 2382 (1), 102-111, 2013
A simultaneous equations model of crash frequency by severity level for freeway sections
X Ye, RM Pendyala, V Shankar, KC Konduri
Accident Analysis & Prevention 57, 140-149, 2013
Simulator of activities, greenhouse emissions, networks, and travel (SimAGENT) in Southern California: Design, implementation, preliminary findings, and integration plans
KG Goulias, CR Bhat, RM Pendyala, Y Chen, R Paleti, KC Konduri, ...
2011 IEEE Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems, 164-169, 2011
Is there a limit to adoption of dynamic ridesharing systems? Evidence from analysis of Uber demand data from New York City
R Gerte, KC Konduri, N Eluru
Transportation Research Record 2672 (42), 127-136, 2018
Estimating survey weights with multiple constraints using entropy optimization methods
H Bar-Gera, K Konduri, B Sana, X Ye, RM Pendyala
88th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2009
A comprehensive modeling framework for transportation-induced population exposure assessment
S Vallamsundar, J Lin, K Konduri, X Zhou, RM Pendyala
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 46, 94-113, 2016
Enhanced synthetic population generator that accommodates control variables at multiple geographic resolutions
KC Konduri, D You, VM Garikapati, RM Pendyala
Transportation Research Record 2563 (1), 40-50, 2016
Accommodating immigration status and self-selection effects in a joint model of household auto ownership and residential location choice
CR Bhat, R Paleti, RM Pendyala, K Lorenzini, KC Konduri
Transportation Research Record 2382 (1), 142-150, 2013
Relationship between well-being and daily time use of elderly: evidence from the disabilities and use of time survey
A Enam, KC Konduri, N Eluru, S Ravulaparthy
Transportation 45 (6), 1783-1810, 2018
Joint analysis of time use and consumer expenditure data: examination of two approaches to deriving values of time
KC Konduri, S Astroza, B Sana, RM Pendyala, SR Jara-Díaz
Transportation Research Record 2231 (1), 53-60, 2011
Time allocation behavior of twentieth-century American generations: GI generation, silent generation, baby boomers, generation X, and millennials
A Enam, KC Konduri
Transportation Research Record 2672 (49), 69-80, 2018
Copula-based joint model of injury severity and vehicle damage in two-vehicle crashes
K Wang, S Yasmin, KC Konduri, N Eluru, JN Ivan
Transportation research record 2514 (1), 158-166, 2015
Modeling the influence of family, social context, and spatial proximity on use of nonmotorized transport mode
N Ferdous, RM Pendyala, CR Bhat, KC Konduri
Transportation Research Record 2230 (1), 111-120, 2011
Application of socioeconomic model system for activity-based modeling: Experience from Southern California
RM Pendyala, CR Bhat, KG Goulias, R Paleti, KC Konduri, R Sidharthan, ...
Transportation research record 2303 (1), 71-80, 2012
A joint tour-based model of tour complexity, passenger accompaniment, vehicle type choice, and tour length
R Paleti, RM Pendyala, CR Bhat, KC Konduri
Joint model of vehicle type choice and tour length
KC Konduri, X Ye, B Sana, RM Pendyala
Transportation research record 2255 (1), 28-37, 2011
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Articles 1–20