Lluis Bermudez
Lluis Bermudez
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A Bayesian dichotomous model with asymmetric link for fraud in insurance
L Bermúdez, JM Pérez, M Ayuso, E Gómez, FJ Vazquez
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 42 (2), 779-786, 2008
Bayesian multivariate Poisson models for insurance ratemaking
L Bermúdez, D Karlis
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 48 (2), 226-236, 2011
A priori ratemaking using bivariate Poisson regression models
LB i Morata
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 44 (1), 135-141, 2009
A finite mixture of bivariate Poisson regression models with an application to insurance ratemaking
L Bermúdez, D Karlis
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 56 (12), 3988-3999, 2012
A posteriori ratemaking using bivariate Poisson models
L Bermúdez, D Karlis
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 2017 (2), 148-158, 2017
Allowing for time and cross dependence assumptions between claim counts in ratemaking models
L Bermúdez, M Guillén, D Karlis
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 83, 161-169, 2018
Copula-based regression modeling of bivariate severity of temporary disability and permanent motor injuries
M Ayuso, L Bermúdez, M Santolino
Accident Analysis & Prevention 89, 142-150, 2016
Quantile regression with telematics information to assess the risk of driving above the posted speed limit
AM Pérez-Marín, M Guillen, M Alcañiz, L Bermúdez
Risks 7 (3), 80, 2019
Bonus–malus system using an exponential loss function with an Inverse Gaussian distribution
I Morillo, L Bermúdez
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 33 (1), 49-57, 2003
A correlation sensitivity analysis of non-life underwriting risk in solvency capital requirement estimation
L Bermúdez, A Ferri, M Guillén
ASTIN Bulletin: The Journal of the IAA 43 (1), 21-37, 2013
Joint generalized quantile and conditional tail expectation regression for insurance risk analysis
M Guillen, L Bermúdez, A Pitarque
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 99, 1-8, 2021
Exponential bonus-malus systems integrating a priori risk classification
L BERMudez, M Denuit, J Dhaene
Journal of actuarial practice 9, 84-112, 2001
Multivariate inar (1) regression models based on the sarmanov distribution
L Bermúdez, D Karlis
Mathematics 9 (5), 505, 2021
Modelling unobserved heterogeneity in claim counts using finite mixture models
L Bermúdez, D Karlis, I Morillo
Risks 8 (1), 10, 2020
Modelización del tiempo de hospitalización en lesiones por tránsito
M Ayuso-Gutiérrez, L Bermúdez-Morata, M Santolino-Prieto
salud pública de méxico 57 (2), 161-169, 2015
El Seguro de automóviles: estado actual y perspectiva de la técnica actuarial
M Guillén, M Ayuso, L Bermúdez, I Morillo
Fundación Mapfre estudios. Instituto de Ciencias del Seguro. Madrid, 2005
The dynamics of one-sided incomplete information in motor disputes
M Ayuso, L Bermudez, M Santolino
International Review of Law and Economics 41, 77-85, 2015
A finite mixture of multiple discrete distributions for modelling heaped count data
L Bermúdez, D Karlis, M Santolino
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 112, 14-23, 2017
On the use of risk measures in solvency capital estimation
L Bermúdez, A Ferri, M Guillén
International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management 21 5 (1), 4-13, 2014
Scenarios for the impact of immigration on longevity and dependency among the elderly in the Spanish population
LB Morata, MG Estany, AS Auró
Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología 44 (1), 19-24, 2009
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Articles 1–20