Cameron B Morrison
Cameron B Morrison
Resident Physician, University of Colorado School of Medicine
Verifisert e-postadresse på cuanschutz.edu
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Mucus accumulation in the lungs precedes structural changes and infection in children with cystic fibrosis
CR Esther Jr, MS Muhlebach, C Ehre, DB Hill, MC Wolfgang, M Kesimer, ...
Science translational medicine 11 (486), eaav3488, 2019
Mucus, mucins, and cystic fibrosis
CB Morrison, MR Markovetz, C Ehre
Pediatric pulmonology 54, S84-S96, 2019
An improved inhaled mucolytic to treat airway muco-obstructive diseases
C Ehre, ZL Rushton, B Wang, LN Hothem, CB Morrison, NC Fontana, ...
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 199 (2), 171-180, 2019
SARS-CoV-2 infection of airway cells causes intense viral and cell shedding, two spreading mechanisms affected by IL-13
CB Morrison, CE Edwards, KM Shaffer, KC Araba, JA Wykoff, DR Williams, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (16), e2119680119, 2022
Treatment of cystic fibrosis airway cells with CFTR modulators reverses aberrant mucus properties via hydration
CB Morrison, KM Shaffer, KC Araba, MR Markovetz, JA Wykoff, ...
European Respiratory Journal 59 (2), 2022
Endotracheal tube mucus as a source of airway mucus for rheological study
MR Markovetz, DB Subramani, WJ Kissner, CB Morrison, IC Garbarine, ...
American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 317 (4 …, 2019
Differential responses to e-cig generated aerosols from humectants and different forms of nicotine in epithelial cells from nonsmokers and smokers
YNH Escobar, CB Morrison, Y Chen, E Hickman, CA Love, ME Rebuli, ...
American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 320 (6 …, 2021
Design and testing of a thermoelectrically-cooled portable vaccine cooler
E Reid, J Barkes, C Morrison, A Ung, R Patel, C Rebarker, P Panchal, ...
Journal of Young Investigators 35 (2), 2018
Mucus and mucus flake composition and abundance reflect inflammatory and infection status in cystic fibrosis
MR Markovetz, IC Garbarine, CB Morrison, WJ Kissner, I Seim, MG Forest, ...
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 21 (6), 959-966, 2022
Mucus concentration–dependent biophysical abnormalities unify submucosal gland and superficial airway dysfunction in cystic fibrosis
T Kato, G Radicioni, MJ Papanikolas, GV Stoychev, MR Markovetz, K Aoki, ...
Science Advances 8 (13), eabm9718, 2022
Reuse of Cell Culture Inserts for In Vitro Human Primary Airway Epithelial Cell Studies
T Kato, Y Mikami, L Sun, TD Rogers, BR Grubb, CB Morrison, C Ehre, ...
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 64 (6), 760-764, 2021
Mucus accumulation in the lungs precedes structural changes and infection in children with cystic fibrosis. Sci Transl Med 11: eaav3488
CR Esther, MS Muhlebach, C Ehre, DB Hill, MC Wolfgang, M Kesimer, ...
BPIFB1 loss alters airway mucus properties and diminishes mucociliary clearance
LJ Donoghue, MR Markovetz, CB Morrison, G Chen, KM McFadden, ...
American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 325 (6 …, 2023
638 Intestinal complications in cystic fibrosis: insights from F508del-Cftr mice on mucin dynamics and altered cellular functions
H Dodson, K Araba, E Minor, K Shaffer, R Gilmore, C Morrison, H Dang, ...
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 23, S353, 2024
534 Mucus adhesion and inflammation causes bowel obstruction in cystic fibrosis mice ileum
A Pitcairn, K Araba, A Karwande, J Wykoff, K Shaffer, R Gilmore, ...
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 22, S282-S283, 2023
174 Examining source and pathophysiology as factors related to airway mucus swellability
M Markovetz, J Hibbard, L Plott, W Kissner, C Morrison, C Ehre, D Hill
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 22, S92, 2023
215: Mucus hyperconcentration initiates bowel obstruction in the distal ileum of CF mice
K Araba, P Santhanam, K Shaffer, C Morrison, R Gilmore, C Ehre
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 20, S105, 2021
179: Modulator therapy reverses aberrant mucus properties in vitro via hydration
K Shaffer, C Morrison, K Araba, M Markovitz, N Quinney, L Morton, D Hill, ...
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 20, S88-S89, 2021
Hyperconcentrated Mucus Unifies Submucosal Gland and Superficial Airway Dysfunction in Cystic Fibrosis
T Kato, G Radicioni, MJ Papanikolas, GV Stoychev, MR Markovetz, K Aoki, ...
bioRxiv, 2021.09. 22.461306, 2021
Electronic Cigarettes: Not All Good News?: Differential responses to e-cig generated aerosols from humectants and different forms of nicotine in epithelial cells from …
YNH Escobar, CB Morrison, Y Chen, E Hickman, CA Love, ME Rebuli, ...
American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 320 (6 …, 2021
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