José-Luis Molina-Borboa
José-Luis Molina-Borboa
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Cited by
The multi-layer network nature of systemic risk and its implications for the costs of financial crises
S Poledna, JL Molina-Borboa, S Martínez-Jaramillo, M Van Der Leij, ...
Journal of Financial Stability 20, 70-81, 2015
The missing links: A global study on uncovering financial network structures from partial data
K Anand, I Van Lelyveld, Á Banai, S Friedrich, R Garratt, G Hałaj, J Fique, ...
Journal of Financial Stability 35, 107-119, 2018
A multiplex network analysis of the mexican banking system: link persistence, overlap and waiting times
JL Molina-Borboa, S Martínez-Jaramillo, F López-Gallo, M van der Leij
Journal of Network Theory in Finance 1 (1), 99-138, 2015
The role of financial market infrastructures in financial stability: An overview
S Martinez-Jaramillo, JL Molina-Borboa, B Bravo-Benitez
Risk and Contingency Management: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, 256-276, 2018
Link Prediction in Dynamic Financial Networks
JL Molina-Borboa, S Martínez-Jaramillo
CEMLA Seminar on Network Analysis and Financial Stability Issues, 2014
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