Victor Mesev
Victor Mesev
Chase Professor of Geography, Florida State University
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On the measurement and generalization of urban form
PA Longley, V Mesev
Environment and Planning A 32 (3), 473-488, 2000
The use of census data in urban image classification
V Mesev
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 64 (5), 431-436, 1998
Remotely Sensed Cities
V Mesev
CRC Press, 2003
Supporting global environmental change research: A review of trends and knowledge gaps in urban remote sensing
EA Wentz, S Anderson, M Fragkias, M Netzband, V Mesev, SW Myint, ...
Remote Sensing 6 (5), 3879-3905, 2014
Morphology from imagery: Detecting and measuring the density of urban land use
V Mesev, PA Longley, M Batty, Y Xie
Environment and Planning A 27 (5), 759-780, 1995
The geography of conflict and death in Belfast, Northern Ireland
V Mesev, P Shirlow, J Downs
Geographies of Peace and Armed Conflict, 76-86, 2013
Urban textural analysis from remote sensor data: Lacunarity measurements based on the differential box counting method
SW Myint, V Mesev, N Lam
Geographical Analysis 38 (4), 371-390, 2006
Integration of GIS and Remote Sensing
V Mesev
Wiley & Sons, 2007
Measurement of density gradients and space‐filling in urban systems*
PA Longley, V Mesev
Papers in Regional Science 81 (1), 1-28, 2002
Remote sensing of urban systems: Hierarchical integration with GIS
V Mesev
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 21 (3), 175-187, 1997
Identification and characterisation of urban building patterns using IKONOS imagery and point-based postal data
V Mesev
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 29 (5), 541-557, 2005
Modified maximum-likelihood classification algorithms and their application to urban remote sensing
V Mesev, B Gorte, PA Longley
Remote Sensing and Urban Analysis: GISDATA 9 9, 62, 2001
Change vector analysis, tasseled cap, and NDVI-NDMI for measuring land use/cover changes caused by a sudden short-term severe drought: 2011 Texas event
S Rahman, V Mesev
Remote Sensing 11 (19), 2217, 2019
Measuring urban morphology using remotely-sensed imagery
PA Longley, V Mesev
Remote Sensing and Urban Analysis, 71-94, 2001
Beyond analogue models: Space filling and density measurement of an urban settlement
P Longley, V Mesev
Papers in Regional Science 76 (4), 409-427, 2005
Urban neighborhood pattern recognition using high spatial resolution remotely sensed data and point-based GIS data sources
V Mesev, P McKenzie
GIS and Evidence-Based Policy Making, 19-42, 2008
Fear, mobility and living in the Ardoyne and Upper Ardoyne communities
P Shirlow, V Mesev, A McMullan
Coleraine, UK: School of Environmental Studies, Ulster University, 1999
Urban image classification: Per-pixel classifiers, sub-pixel analysis, object-based image analysis, and geospatial methods
SW Myint, V Mesev, D Quattrochi, EA Wentz
Remote Sensing Handbook Volume I: Remotely Sensed Data Characterization …, 2015
RS/GIS and the morphology of urban settlements
V Mesev, P Longley, M Batty, X Yichun
Spatial Analysis: Modelling in a GIS Environment, 123-148, 1996
A dasymetric method to spatially apportion tornado casualty counts
T Fricker, JB Elsner, V Mesev, TH Jagger
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 8 (2), 1768-1782, 2017
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Articles 1–20