Purificación Ruiz Flaño
Purificación Ruiz Flaño
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Space–time process and drivers of land abandonment in Europe
T Lasanta, J Arnáez, N Pascual, P Ruiz-Flaño, MP Errea, N Lana-Renault
Catena 149, 810-823, 2017
Geodiversity: a theoretical and applied concept
E Serrano, P Ruiz-Flaño
Geographica helvetica 62 (3), 140-147, 2007
Land-use changes and sustainable development in mountain areas: a case study in the Spanish Pyrenees
JM Garcia-Ruiz, T Lasanta, P Ruiz-Flano, L Ortigosa, S White, ...
Landscape Ecology 11, 267-277, 1996
Effects of farming terraces on hydrological and geomorphological processes. A review
J Arnáez, N Lana-Renault, T Lasanta, P Ruiz-Flaño, J Castroviejo
Catena 128, 122-134, 2015
Factors affecting runoff and erosion under simulated rainfall in Mediterranean vineyards
J Arnaez, T Lasanta, P Ruiz-Flaño, L Ortigosa
Soil and Tillage Research 93 (2), 324-334, 2007
Geodiversidad: concepto, evaluación y aplicación territorial: el caso de Tiermes Caracena (Soria)
ES Cañadas, PR Flaño
Boletín de la asociación de geógrafos españoles, 79-98, 2007
Sediment yield under different land uses in the Spanish Pyrenees
JM García-Ruiz, T Lasanta, L Ortigosa, P Ruiz-Flaño, C Martí, C González
Mountain Research and Development, 229-240, 1995
Geodiversity and geomorphosite assessment applied to a natural protected area: the Ebro and Rudron Gorges Natural Park (Spain)
R Pellitero, MJ González-Amuchastegui, P Ruiz-Flaño, E Serrano
Geoheritage 3, 163-174, 2011
Procesos de erosión en campos abandonados del Pirineo
P Ruiz-Flaño
Geoforma Ediciones 191, 1993
Geodiversity assessment in a rural landscape: Tiermes-Caracena area (Soria, Spain)
E Serrano, P Ruiz Flano, P Arroyo
Memorie Descrittive della Carta geologica d'Italia 87, 173-180, 2009
Geodiversity: Concept, assessment and territorial aplication. The case of Tiermes-Caraciena (Soria)
E Serrano Cañadas, P Ruiz Flano
Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 79-+, 2007
Mountain pastures, environmental degradation, and landscape remediation: the example of a Mediterranean policy initiative
T Lasanta, J Arnáez, MP Errea, L Ortigosa, P Ruiz-Flaño
Applied Geography 29 (3), 308-319, 2009
Changes in runoff and erosion as a consequence of land-use changes in the Central Spanish Pyrenees
JM García-Ruiz, T Lasanta, C Marti, C Gonzáles, S White, L Ortigosa, ...
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 20 (3-4), 301-307, 1995
Erosion in abandoned fields, what is the problem?
JMG Ruiz, PR Flaño, TL Martínez, GM Martí, JPM Rica, G Pardini
Soil erosion studies in Spain, 97-108, 1991
Los bancales en las montañas españolas: un paisaje abandonado y un recurso potencial
T Lasanta Martínez, J Arnáez-Vadillo, P Ruiz Flaño, N Lana-Renault
Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 2013
Geomorphosites and geodiversity
E Serrano, P Ruiz-Flaño
Geomorphosites, 49-61, 2009
Catchment based hydrology under post farmland abandonment scenarios
N Lana-Renault, M López-Vicente, E Nadal-Romero, R Ojanguren, ...
Universidad de La Rioja, 2018
L'abandon de l'espace agricole dans la montagne submediterranéenne en Espagne (Pyrénées Centrales et Système Ibérique)
J Arnáez-Vadillo, T Lasanta Martínez, LM Ortigosa, P Ruiz Flaño
Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France), 1990
Agricultural terraces in the Spanish mountains: an abandoned landscape and a potential resource
T Lasanta Martínez, J Arnáez-Vadillo, P Ruiz Flano, N Lana-Renault
Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 2013
Soil erosion after farmland abandonment in submediterranean mountains: a general outlook
JM García-Ruiz, P Ruiz-Flaño, T Lasanta
Soil degradation and desertification in mediterranean environments. Geoforma …, 1996
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Articles 1–20