Paal E. Engelstad
Paal E. Engelstad
University of Oslo (ITS, UiO) and Oslo and Akershus University College (Dept.IT, HiOA)
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Cited by
Non-saturation and saturation analysis of IEEE 802.11 e EDCA with starvation prediction
PE Engelstad, ON Østerbø
Proceedings of the 8th ACM international symposium on Modeling, analysis and …, 2005
IncludeOS: A minimal, resource efficient unikernel for cloud services
A Bratterud, AA Walla, H Haugerud, PE Engelstad, K Begnum
2015 IEEE 7th international conference on cloud computing technology and …, 2015
The availability and reliability of wireless multi-hop networks with stochastic link failures
G Egeland, PE Engelstad
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 27 (7), 1132-1146, 2009
Analysis of the Total Delay of IEEE 802.11 e EDCA and 802.11 DCF
PE Engelstad, ON Osterbo
2006 IEEE international conference on communications 2, 552-559, 2006
Improving the performance of quality-adaptive video streaming over multiple heterogeneous access networks
K Evensen, D Kaspar, C Griwodz, P Halvorsen, A Hansen, P Engelstad
Proceedings of the second annual ACM conference on Multimedia systems, 57-68, 2011
Spatio-temporal wind speed forecasting using graph networks and novel Transformer architectures
LØ Bentsen, ND Warakagoda, R Stenbro, P Engelstad
Applied Energy 333, 120565, 2023
Queueing delay analysis of IEEE 802.11 e EDCA
PE Engelstad, ON Østerbø
Crowdsourcing-based disaster management using fog computing in internet of things paradigm
A Rauniyar, P Engelstad, B Feng
2016 IEEE 2nd international conference on collaboration and internet …, 2016
Using HTTP pipelining to improve progressive download over multiple heterogeneous interfaces
D Kaspar, K Evensen, P Engelstad, AF Hansen
2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-5, 2010
Energy minimization approach for optimal cooperative spectrum sensing in sensor-aided cognitive radio networks
HN Pham, Y Zhang, PE Engelstad, T Skeie, F Eliassen
2010 The 5th Annual ICST Wireless Internet Conference (WICON), 1-9, 2010
A network-layer proxy for bandwidth aggregation and reduction of IP packet reordering
K Evensen, D Kaspar, P Engelstad, AF Hansen, C Griwodz, P Halvorsen
2009 IEEE 34th Conference on Local Computer Networks, 585-592, 2009
Data segmentation, request and transfer method
D Kaspar, KR Evensen, PE Engelstad, AF Hansen, C Griwodz, ...
US Patent 8,516,147, 2013
Internet connectivity for multi-homed proactive ad hoc networks
PE Engelstad, A Tonnesen, A Hafslund, G Egeland
2004 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE Cat. No …, 2004
Performance analysis of RF energy harvesting and information transmission based on NOMA with interfering signal for IoT relay systems
A Rauniyar, PE Engelstad, ON Østerbø
IEEE Sensors Journal 19 (17), 7668-7682, 2019
Evaluation of service discovery architectures for mobile ad hoc networks
PE Engelstad, Y Zheng
Second Annual Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services …, 2005
Service Discovery Architectures for On-Demand Ad Hoc Networks.
PE Engelstad, Y Zheng, R Koodli, CE Perkins
Ad Hoc Sens. Wirel. Networks 2 (1), 27-58, 2006
Fixed WiMAX field trial measurements and analyses
O Grondalen, P Gronsund, T Breivik, P Engelstad
2007 16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, 1-5, 2007
Detection of DNS tunneling in mobile networks using machine learning
VT Do, P Engelstad, B Feng, T Van Do
Information Science and Applications 2017: ICISA 2017 8, 221-230, 2017
Name Resolution in on-demand MANETS and over external IP Networks
P Engelstad, DV Thanh, G Egeland
IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2003. ICC'03. 2, 1024-1032, 2003
On the performance of bidirectional NOMA-SWIPT enabled IoT relay networks
A Rauniyar, PE Engelstad, ON Østerbø
IEEE Sensors Journal 21 (2), 2299-2315, 2020
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Articles 1–20