Elizabeth Rozell
Elizabeth Rozell
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The relationship of staffing practices to organizational level measures of performance
DE Terpstra, EJ Rozell
Personnel psychology 46 (1), 27-48, 1993
The influence of personality and demographic variables on ethical decisions related to insider trading
DE Terpstra, EJ Rozell, RK Robinson
The Journal of Psychology 127 (4), 375-389, 1993
Customer‐oriented selling: Exploring the roles of emotional intelligence and organizational commitment
EJ Rozell, CE Pettijohn, RS Parker
Psychology & marketing 21 (6), 405-424, 2004
An empirical evaluation of emotional intelligence: The impact on management development
EJ Rozell, CE Pettijohn, R Stephen Parker
Journal of Management development 21 (4), 272-289, 2002
Cognitive, motivation, and affective processes associated with computer-related performance: a path analysis
EJ Rozell, WL Gardner III
Computers in Human behavior 16 (2), 199-222, 2000
Emotional intelligence and dispositional affectivity as predictors of performance in salespeople
EJ Rojell, CE Pettijohn, RS Parker
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 14 (2), 113-124, 2006
Computer-related success and failure: a longitudinal field study of the factors influencing computer-related performance
EJ Rozell, WL Gardner III
Computers in Human behavior 15 (1), 1-10, 1999
Why some potentially effective staffing practices are seldom used
DE Terpstra, EJ Rozell
Public Personnel Management 26 (4), 483-495, 1997
Emotional intelligence and dispositional affectivity as moderators of workplace aggression: The impact on behavior choice
AJ Quebbeman, EJ Rozell
Human Resource Management Review 12 (1), 125-143, 2002
The effects of leader impression management on group perceptions of cohesion, consensus, and communication
EJ Rozell, DE Gundersen
Small Group Research 34 (2), 197-222, 2003
The relationship of goal setting to organizational profitability
DE Terpstra, EJ Rozell
Group & Organization Management 19 (3), 285-294, 1994
The relationship between emotional intelligence and customer orientation for pharmaceutical salespeople: A UK perspective
CE Pettijohn, EJ Rozell, A Newman
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing 4 (1), 21-39, 2010
How much is too much? The role of emotional intelligence in self‐managed work team satisfaction and group processes
EJ Rozell, WA Scroggins
Team Performance Management: An International Journal 16 (1/2), 33-49, 2010
Sources of human resource information and the link to organizational profitability
DE Terpstra, EJ Rozell
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 33 (1), 66-83, 1997
Gossip and nurses: Malady or remedy?
SA Thomas, EJ Rozell
The health care manager 26 (2), 111-115, 2007
Emotional Intelligence And Impression Management: A Theoretical Framework.
AY Cole, EJ Rozell
Insights to a Changing World Journal, 2011
Managerial perspectives on emotional intelligence differences between India and the United States: The development of research propositions
A Ilangovan, WA Scroggins, EJ Rozell
International Journal of Management 24 (3), 541, 2007
Perceptions of the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs: an empirical study in China
EJ Rozell, KE Meyer, WA Scroggins, A Guo
International Journal of Management 28 (4), 60, 2011
A model of human resource information, practice choice and organizational outcomes
DE Terpstra, AA Mohamed, EJ Rozell
Human Resource Management Review 6 (1), 25-46, 1996
Human resource executives' perceptions of academic research
DE Terpstra, EJ Rozell
Journal of Business and Psychology 13, 19-29, 1998
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