Patrícia de Lara Antonio
Cited by
Cited by
Dosimetric properties of MgB4O7: Dy, Li and MgB4O7: Ce, Li for optically stimulated luminescence applications
LF Souza, AMB Silva, PL Antonio, LVE Caldas, SO Souza, F d’Errico, ...
Radiation Measurements 106, 196-199, 2017
Feasibility study of CaSO4: Eu, CaSO4: Eu, Ag and CaSO4: Eu, Ag (NP) as thermoluminescent dosimeters
DO Junot, MAC dos Santos, PL Antonio, LVE Caldas, DN Souza
Radiation measurements 71, 99-103, 2014
Neodymium as a magnesium tetraborate matrix dopant and its applicability in dosimetry and as a temperature sensor
LF Souza, PL Antonio, LVE Caldas, DN Souza
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2015
Luminescent properties of MgB4O7: Ce, Li to be applied in radiation dosimetry
LF Souza, ALF Novais, PL Antonio, LVE Caldas, DN Souza
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 164, 108353, 2019
Study of effective dose of various protocols in equipment cone beam CT
MR Soares, WO Batista, P de Lara Antonio, LVE Caldas, AF Maia
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 100, 21-26, 2015
Dosimetric and optical properties of CaSO4: Tm and CaSO4: Tm, Ag crystals produced by a slow evaporation route
DO Junot, AGM Santos, PL Antonio, MVS Rezende, DN Souza, ...
Journal of Luminescence 210, 58-65, 2019
Variance reduction technique in a beta radiation beam using an extrapolation chamber
IO Polo, WS Santos, P de Lara Antonio, LVE Caldas
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 128, 154-157, 2017
TL and OSL dosimetric properties of Opal gemstone for gamma radiation dosimetry
PL Antonio, CC Gronchi, RAP Oliveira, HJ Khoury, LVE Caldas
Radiation Measurements 90, 219-223, 2016
Evaluation of TL and OSL responses of CaF2: Tm for electron beam processing dosimetry
VK Asfora, PL Antonio, JAC Gonçalves, CC Bueno, VSM de Barros, ...
Radiation Measurements 140, 106512, 2021
Böhm extrapolation chamber: study of its behavior in beta radiation fields at the Calibration Laboratory of IPEN
PL Antonio, M Xavier, LVE Caldas
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 104, 310-315, 2014
Comparison of calibration results for an extrapolation chamber obtained with different 90Sr+ 90Y secondary standard sources
PL Antonio, VS Carvalho, LVE Caldas
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 70 (2), 388-391, 2012
Optically stimulated luminescence of borate glasses containing magnesia, quicklime, lithium and potassium carbonates
JVB Valença, IS Silveira, ACA Silva, NO Dantas, PL Antonio, LVE Caldas, ...
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 140, 83-86, 2017
Determination of transmission factors in tissue using a standard extrapolation chamber
PL Antonio, M Xavier, LVE Caldas
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 95, 38-43, 2014
Estabelecimento de padronização Primária e de métodos relativos com o uso de técnicas luminescentes em dosimetria da radiação beta
PL Antonio
Universidade de São Paulo, 2013
Influence of the photoionization cross-section on the OSL signal of LiF: A theoretical and experimental approach
B Novais, E Ferraz, AS Souza, PL Antonio, LVE Caldas, J Batista, H Lima
Optical Materials 102, 109792, 2020
Effective dose comparison between stitched and single FOV in CBCT protocols for complete dental arcade
MR Soares, WO Batista, P de Lara Antonio, LVE Caldas, AF Maia
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 110, 72-76, 2015
Thin CaSO4: Dy thermoluminescent dosimeters for calibration of 90Sr+ 90Y applicators
PL Antonio, ML Oliveira, LVE Caldas
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 70 (4), 790-793, 2012
Measuring TL and OSL of beta radioisotopes inside a glove box at a radiopharmacy laboratory
TNO Pinto, PL Antonio, LVE Caldas
Radiation measurements 46 (12), 1847-1850, 2011
Estudo comparativo entre métodos de calibração de aplicadores clínicos de radiação beta. 2009
Dissertação (Mestrado)–Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, São Paulo, 0
Effects of manganese and terbium on the dosimetric properties of CaSO4
AMB Silva, LF Souza, PL Antonio, DO Junot, LVE Caldas, DN Souza
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 198, 110207, 2022
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Articles 1–20