Jaime Potti
Jaime Potti
Orcid ID: 0000-0002-2284-0022; Estación Biológica de Dońana
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Large-scale geographical variation confirms that climate change causes birds to lay earlier
C Both, AV Artemyev, B Blaauw, R Cowie, H Dekhuizen, L Gustafsson, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London series B 271, 1657-1662, 2004
The design of artificial nestboxes for the study of secondary hole-nesting birds: a review of methodological inconsistencies and potential biases
MM Lambrechts
Acta Ornithologica 45, 1-26, 2010
Climate change and fitness components of a migratory bird breeding in the Mediterranean region
JJ Sanz, J Potti, J Moreno, S Merino, O Frias
Global Change Biology 9, 461-472, 2003
Mites and blowflies decrease growth and survival in nestling Pied Flycatchers
S Merino, J Potti
Oikos, 95-103, 1995
Weather dependent effects of nest ectoparasites on their bird hosts
S Merino, J Potti
Ecography 19, 107-113, 1996
Male arrival and female mate choice in Pied Flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) in central Spain
J Potti, Montalvo, S.
Ornis Scandinavica, 45-54, 1991
Arrival time from spring migration in male Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca: individual consistency and familial resemblance
J Potti
Condor 100, 702-708, 1998
Environmental and genetic variation in the haematocrit of fledgling Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca
J Potti, J Moreno, S Merino, O Frías, R Rodríguez
Oecologia 120, 1‑8, 1999
Nest-box provisioning in a rural population of Eurasian Kestrels: breeding performance, nest predation and parasitism
JA Fargallo, G Blanco, J Potti, J Vińuela
Bird Study 48, 236-244, 2001
Feather mites on birds: costs of parasitism or conditional outcomes?
G Blanco, JL Tella, J Potti, A Baz
Journal of Avian Biology 32, 271-274, 2001
Archiving primary data: solutions for long-term studies
JA Mills, C Teplitsky, B Arroyo, AB Charmantier, TR P. H. Birkhead, P Bize, ...
Trends in Ecology and Evolution 30 (10), 581-589, 2015
Feather mites on group-living Red-billed Choughs: a non-parasitic interaction?
G Blanco, JL Tella, J Potti
Journal of Avian Biology 28, 197-206, 1997
Geographic patterns of genetic differentiation and plumage colour variation are different in the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca).
PK Lehtonen, T Laaksonen, AV Artemyev, E Belskii, C Both, S Bureš, ...
Molecular Ecology 18, 4463-4476, 2009
Environmental, ontogenetic, and genetic variation in egg size of Pied Flycatchers
J Potti
Canadian Journal of Zoology 71, 1534-1542, 1993
High prevalence of hematozoa in nestlings of a passerine species, the Pied Flycatcher
S Merino, J Potti
The Auk 112, 1041-1043, 1995
Decreased levels of blood trypanosome infection correlate with female expression of a male secondary sexual trait: implications for sexual selection
J Potti, S Merino
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London series B 263, 1199-1204., 1996
Climate variation and regional gradients in population dynamics of two hole nesting passerines
BE Sćther, S Engen, AP Mřller, E Matthysen, F Adriaensen, W Fiedler, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London series B 270, 2397-2404, 2003
Blood parasites of some passerine birds from central Spain
S Merino, J Potti, JA Fargallo
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 33, 638-641, 1997
Return rate, age at first breeding and natal dispersal of Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca in Central Spain
J Potti, Montalvo, S.
Ardea 79, 419-428, 1991
Phenological sensitivity to climate change is higher in resident than in migrant bird populations among European cavity breeders
JM Samplonius, L Bartošová, MD Burgess, AV Bushuev, T Eeva, ...
Global Change Biology 24, 3780-3790, 2018
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