Thomas Vilarinho
Thomas Vilarinho
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A combined smartphone and smartwatch fall detection system
T Vilarinho, B Farshchian, DG Bajer, OH Dahl, I Egge, SS Hegdal, ...
2015 IEEE international conference on computer and information technology …, 2015
User needs in the development of a health app ecosystem for self-management of cystic fibrosis: user-centered development approach
J Floch, A Zettl, L Fricke, T Weisser, L Grut, T Vilarinho, E Stav, A Ascolese, ...
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 6 (5), e8236, 2018
Users’ experiences of a mobile health self-management approach for the treatment of cystic fibrosis: Mixed methods study
J Floch, T Vilarinho, A Zettl, G Ibanez-Sanchez, J Calvo-Lerma, E Stav, ...
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 8 (7), e15896, 2020
From episodes to continuity of care: a study of a call center for supporting independent living
BA Farshchian, T Vilarinho, M Mikalsen
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 26 (3), 309-343, 2017
Co-designing a mHealth Application for Self-management of Cystic Fibrosis
T Vilarinho, J Floch, E Stav
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2017: 16th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2017
Stakeholder attitudes toward and values embedded in a sensor-enhanced personal emergency response system
Y Dahl, B Farshchian, T Vilarinho, JL Helbostad, A Nawaz, AJ Nygård, ...
Interacting with Computers 28 (5), 598-611, 2016
A communication framework for the internet of people and things based on the concept of activity feeds in social computing
T Vilarinho, BA Farshchian, J Floch, BM Mathisen
2013 9th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, 1-8, 2013
Designing a digital social innovation platform: From case studies to concepts
I Dinant, J Floch, T Vilarinho, M Oliveira
Internet Science: 4th International Conference, INSCI 2017, Thessaloniki …, 2017
Which mobile health toolkit should a service provider choose? A comparative evaluation of Apple HealthKit, Google Fit, and Samsung Digital Health Platform
BA Farshchian, T Vilarinho
Ambient Intelligence: 13th European Conference, AmI 2017, Malaga, Spain …, 2017
Combining persuasive computing and user centered design into an energy awareness system for smart houses
T Vilarinho, B Farshchian, LWM Wienhofen, T Franang, H Gulbrandsen
2016 12th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE), 32-39, 2016
Designing an application store for the Internet of Things: Requirements and challenges
S Stastny, BA Farshchian, T Vilarinho
Ambient Intelligence: 12th European Conference, AmI 2015, Athens, Greece …, 2015
Experimenting a digital collaborative platform for supporting social innovation in multiple settings
T Vilarinho, IO Pappas, S Mora, I Dinant, J Floch, M Oliveira, L Jaccheri
Innovations for Community Services: 18th International Conference, I4CS 2018 …, 2018
User needs in the development of a health app ecosystem for self-management of cystic fibrosis: user-centered development approach. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2018 May 08; 6 (5 …
J Floch, A Zettl, L Fricke, T Weisser, L Grut, T Vilarinho, E Stav, A Ascolese, ...
Vasa R. Intelligent Sensing to Inform and Learn (InSTIL): a scalable and …, 2019
End user centred interactive software architecture and design: the creation of communities for a smart energy use
J Glatz-Reichenbach, C Lindkvist, T Vilarinho, A Minde, G Cretella, ...
2015 15th International Conference on Innovations for Community Services …, 2015
Developing a social innovation methodology in the web 2.0 era
T Vilarinho, J Floch, M Oliveira, I Dinant, IO Pappas, S Mora
Internet Science: INSCI 2017 International Workshops, IFIN, DATA ECONOMY …, 2018
Assessing the potential of digital collaborative sharing platforms in fostering neighbourhood participation through volunteerism
D Akin, T Vilarinho, J Floch, T Halvorsen, D Baer
Internet Science: 6th International Conference, INSCI 2019, Perpignan …, 2019
Smart jacket as a collaborative tangible user interface in crisis management
M Divitini, BA Farshchian, J Floch, BM Mathisen, S Mora, T Vilarinho
Proceedings of the workshop on ambient intelligence for crisis management, 1-8, 2012
Participatory ideation for gamification: Bringing the user at the heart of the gamification design process
T Vilarinho, B Farshchian, J Floch, OG Hansen
Human-Centered Software Engineering: 7th IFIP WG 13.2 International Working …, 2019
SOCRATIC, the place where social innovation ‘Happens’
SOCRATIC Consortium, I Romero, Y Rueda, A Fumero, T Vilarinho, ...
Internet Science: Third International Conference, INSCI 2016, Florence …, 2016
Internet science
S Diplaris, A Satsiou, A Følstad, M Vafopoulos, T Vilarinho
INSCI, 2017
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Articles 1–20