Hakan Deliç
Hakan Deliç
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Surveillance wireless sensor networks: Deployment quality analysis
E Onur, C Ersoy, H Deliç, L Akarun
IEEE Network 21 (6), 48-53, 2007
Location area planning in cellular networks using simulated annealing
I Demirkol, C Ersoy, MU Caglayan, H Delic
Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 2001. Conference on Computer Communications …, 2001
Wireless sensor networks for intrusion detection: packet traffic modeling
I Demirkol, F Alagoz, H Deliç, C Ersoy
IEEE Communications Letters 10 (1), 22-24, 2006
Demand response management in smart grids with heterogeneous consumer preferences
C Eksin, H Deliç, A Ribeiro
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 6 (6), 3082-3094, 2015
Location area planning and cell-to-switch assignment in cellular networks
I Demirkol, C Ersoy, MU Çaglayan, H Deliç
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 3 (3), 880-890, 2004
How many sensors for an acceptable breach detection probability?
E Onur, C Ersoy, H Deliç
Computer Communications 29 (2), 173-182, 2006
Maximum entropy aggregation of individual opinions
WB Levy, H Deliç
IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics 24 (4), 606-613, 1994
Demand response management for smart grids with wind power
N Cicek, H Delic
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 6 (2), 625-634, 2015
Space-time frequency-shift keying
G Leus, W Zhao, GB Giannakis, H Deliç
IEEE Transactions on Communications 52 (3), 346-349, 2004
Robust detection in DS-CDMA
H Deliç, A Hocanin
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 51 (1), 155-170, 2002
Information content-based sensor selection and transmission power adjustment for collaborative target tracking
T Onel, C Ersoy, H Delic
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 8 (8), 1103-1116, 2009
Noise modeling and OFDM receiver design in power-line communication
T Guzel, E Ustunel, HB Celebi, H Delic, K Mihcak
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 26 (4), 2735-2742, 2011
Robust detection of ultra-wideband signals in non-Gaussian noise
N Guney, H Delic, M Koca
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 54 (4), 1724-1730, 2006
Measurement-based replanning of cell capacities in GSM networks
E Onur, H Deliç, C Ersoy, MU Çaǧlayan
Computer Networks 39 (6), 749-767, 2002
Fundamental structures and asymptotic performance criteria in decentralized binary hypothesis testing
H Delic, P Papantoni-Kazakos, D Kazakos
IEEE transactions on communications 43 (1), 32-43, 1995
Wireless access with blind collision-multiplicity detection and retransmission diversity for quasi-static channels
B Ozgul, H Deliç
IEEE Transactions on Communications 54 (5), 858-867, 2006
The impact of a realistic packet traffic model on the performance of surveillance wireless sensor networks
I Demirkol, C Ersoy, F Alagöz, H Deliç
Computer Networks 53 (3), 382-399, 2009
Sensing Coverage and Breach Paths in Surveillance Wireless Sensor Networks
E Onur, C Ersoy, H Delic
Sensor Network Operations, 68-90, 2006
Subspace-based frequency estimation of sinusoidal signals in alpha-stable noise
MA Altınkaya, H Deliç, B Sankur, E Anarım
Signal processing 82 (12), 1807-1827, 2002
Double turbo equalization of continuous phase modulation with frequency domain processing
B Ozgul, M Koca, H Deliç
IEEE Transactions on Communications 57 (2), 423-429, 2009
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Articles 1–20