Jennifer Joy West
Jennifer Joy West
Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Norwegian University of Life
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Mapping vulnerability to multiple stressors: climate change and globalization in India
K o’Brien, R Leichenko, U Kelkar, H Venema, G Aandahl, H Tompkins, ...
Global environmental change 14 (4), 303-313, 2004
Adaptation interventions and their effect on vulnerability in developing countries: Help, hindrance or irrelevance?
S Eriksen, ELF Schipper, M Scoville-Simonds, K Vincent, HN Adam, ...
World development 141, 105383, 2021
Climate change and small island developing states: a critical review
I Kelman, JJ West
Ecological and Environmental Anthropology 5 (1), 1-16, 2009
Harmful algal blooms and their effects in coastal seas of Northern Europe
B Karlson, P Andersen, L Arneborg, A Cembella, W Eikrem, U John, ...
Harmful Algae 102, 101989, 2021
Adaptive capacity determinants in developed states: examples from the Nordic countries and Russia
ECH Keskitalo, H Dannevig, GK Hovelsrud, JJ West, ÅG Swartling
Regional Environmental Change 11, 579-592, 2011
Cross-scale adaptation challenges in the coastal fisheries: findings from Lebesby, Northern Norway
JJ West, GK HoveLsrud
Arctic, 338-354, 2010
Combining different knowledges: community-based climate change
I Kelman, J Mercer, JJ West
Community-based adaptation to climate change 60, 41, 2009
The climate learning ladder. A pragmatic procedure to support climate adaptation
JD Tàbara, X Dai, G Jia, D McEvoy, H Neufeldt, A Serra, S Werners, ...
Environmental Policy and Governance 20 (1), 1-11, 2010
Adaptation in fisheries and municipalities: three communities in northern Norway
GK Hovelsrud, H Dannevig, J West, H Amundsen
Community adaptation and vulnerability in arctic regions, 23-62, 2010
The vulnerability and resilience of smallholder-inclusive agricultural investments in Tanzania
JJ West, R Haug
Journal of Eastern African Studies 11 (4), 670-691, 2017
Polarised narratives and complex realities in Tanzania’s Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor
J West, R Haug
Development in Practice 27 (4), 418-431, 2017
Mapping vulnerability to multiple stressors: climate change and globalization in India
H Tompkins, A Javed, S Bhadwal, S Barg, L Nygaard, J West
Glob Environ Change 14 (4), 303313, 2004
6 The Economic Impacts of Harmful Algal Blooms on Salmon Cage Aquaculture
K Davidson, SL Jardine, S Martino, GB Myre, LE Peck, RN Raymond, ...
PICES Scientific Report, 84-94, 2020
The transformative potential of local-level planning and climate policies. Case studies from Norwegian municipalities
H Westskog, N Aarsæther, GK Hovelsrud, H Amundsen, JJ West, RF Dale
Cogent Social Sciences 8 (1), 2033457, 2022
Establishing a baseline for monitoring and evaluating user satisfaction with climate services in Tanzania
ME Daly, JJ West, PZ Yanda
CICERO Report, 2016
Exploring vulnerability and adaptation narratives among fishers, farmers and municipal planners in Northern Norway
GK Hovelsrud, JJ West, H Dannevig
The Adaptive Challenge of Climate Change, 194-213, 2015
Climate change in Northern Norway: toward an understanding of socio-economic vulnerability of natural resource-dependent sectors and communities
JJ West, GK Hovelsrud
CICERO report, 2008
Can linking small- and large-scale farmers enhance adaptive capacity? Evidence from Tanzania's Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor
JJ West
Climate Change Adaptation and Development: Transforming Paradigms and …, 2015
Integrating indigenous and scientific knowledge for community based climate change adaptation
I Kelman, J Mercer, JJ West
Participatory Learning and Action 60, 41-53, 2009
Evaluating User Satisfaction with Climate Services in Tanzania 2014-2016: Summary Report to the Global Framework for Climate Services Adaptation Programme in Africa
JJ West, M Daly, P Yanda
CICERO Report, 2018
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Articles 1–20