Pradeebane "Vaittinada Ayar"
Pradeebane "Vaittinada Ayar"
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Intercomparison of statistical and dynamical downscaling models under the EURO-and MED-CORDEX initiative framework: present climate evaluations
P Vaittinada Ayar, M Vrac, S Bastin, J Carreau, M Déqué, C Gallardo
Climate dynamics 46, 1301-1329, 2016
Ensemble bias correction of climate simulations: preserving internal variability
P Vaittinada Ayar, M Vrac, A Mailhot
Scientific reports 11 (1), 3098, 2021
Sensitivity analysis of runoff modeling to statistical downscaling models in the western Mediterranean
B Grouillet, D Ruelland, P Vaittinada Ayar, M Vrac
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (3), 1031-1047, 2016
Trends and variability of seasonal weather regimes.
M Vrac, P Vaittinada Ayar, P Yiou
International journal of climatology 34 (2), 2014
Error budget of the MEthane Remote LIdar missioN and its impact on the uncertainties of the global methane budget
P Bousquet, C Pierangelo, C Bacour, J Marshall, P Peylin, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123 (20), 11,766-11,785, 2018
Influence of bias correcting predictors on statistical downscaling models
M Vrac, P Vaittinada Ayar
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 56 (1), 5-26, 2017
Seasonal variability of the surface ocean carbon cycle: A synthesis
KB Rodgers, J Schwinger, AJ Fassbender, P Landschützer, R Yamaguchi, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 37 (9), e2023GB007798, 2023
Contrasting projections of the ENSO-driven CO2 flux variability in the equatorial Pacific under high-warming scenario
P Vaittinada Ayar, L Bopp, JR Christian, T Ilyina, JP Krasting, R Séférian, ...
Earth System Dynamics 13 (3), 1097-1118, 2022
Mapping rainfall hazard based on rain gauge data: an objective cross-validation framework for model selection
J Blanchet, E Paquet, P Vaittinada Ayar, D Penot
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 23 (2), 829-849, 2019
Space-time simulation of precipitation based on weather pattern sub-sampling and meta-Gaussian model
P Vaittinada Ayar, J Blanchet, E Paquet, D Penot
Journal of Hydrology 581, 124451, 2020
Seasonal circulation regimes in the North Atlantic: Towards a new seasonality
F Breton, M Vrac, P Yiou, P Vaittinada Ayar, A Jézéquel
International Journal of Climatology 42 (11), 5848-5870, 2022
Evolution of dry and wet spells under climate change over North‐Eastern North America
P Vaittinada Ayar, A Mailhot
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 126 (5), e2020JD033740, 2021
Machine learning reveals regime shifts in future ocean carbon dioxide fluxes inter-annual variability
D Couespel, J Tjiputra, K Johannsen, P Vaittinada Ayar, B Jensen
Communications Earth & Environment 5 (1), 99, 2024
A regime view of ENSO flavors through clustering in CMIP6 models
P Vaittinada Ayar, DS Battisti, C Li, M King, M Vrac, J Tjiputra
Earth's Future 11 (11), e2022EF003460, 2023
Assessment of Predictor Factors Associated with Multiple Emergency Department Attendance with Asthma Attack: A Qualitative and Multicentric Prospective Observational Study
P Vaittinada Ayar, C Taillé, P Vaittinada Ayar, M Gay, A Diallo, AF Dara, ...
Journal of Asthma and Allergy, 303-313, 2022
Révision des critères de conception des ponceaux pour des bassins de drainage de 25 km² et moins dans un contexte de changements climatiques (CC06. 2).
A Mailhot, S Bolduc, G Talbot, P Vaittinada Ayar
INRS, Centre Eau, Terre et Environnement, 2021
Effects of anticipated prescription of radiography by the triage nurse on the waiting time in an emergency department
T Randriamandimby, P Vaittinada Ayar, A Bellamine, M Gay, ...
International Emergency Nursing 70, 101326, 2023
Improving analogues-based detection & attribution approaches for hurricanes
S Bourdin, SJ Camargo, CY Lee, J Lin, M Vrac, PV Ayar, D Faranda
Environmental Research Letters 20 (2), 024042, 2025
The association of biological sex and long-term outcomes in older patients with physical restraint at the emergency department
L Manfredini, M Pépin, P Vaittinada Ayar, M Gay, M Certin, ...
Adaptation de l’enseignement à la charge de travail des urgences: deux minutes pour apprendre
P Vaittinada Ayar, P Vaittinada Ayar, M Diaz, A Boucher, M Gay
Annales françaises de médecine d'urgence 14 (2), 78-88, 2024
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