World water demand and supply, 1990 to 2025: Scenarios and issues DW Seckler Iwmi, 1998 | 1051 | 1998 |
Water scarcity in the twenty-first century D Seckler, R Barker, U Amarasinghe International Journal of Water Resources Development 15 (1-2), 29-42, 1999 | 966 | 1999 |
Does international cereal trade save water?: the impact of virtual water trade on global water use C Du Fraiture Iwmi, 2004 | 295 | 2004 |
India's water future to 2025-2050: Business-as-usual scenario and deviations U Amarasinghe, T Shah, H Turral, BK Anand IWMI, 2007 | 260 | 2007 |
Spatial variation in water supply and demand across river basins of India U Amarasinghe, BR Sharma, N Aloysius, C Scott, V Smakhtin, ... Iwmi, 2005 | 214 | 2005 |
Estimating the potential of rainfed agriculture in India: Prospects for water productivity improvements BR Sharma, KV Rao, KPR Vittal, YS Ramakrishna, U Amarasinghe Agricultural Water Management 97 (1), 23-30, 2010 | 202 | 2010 |
Spatial clustering of rural poverty and food insecurity in Sri Lanka U Amarasinghe, M Samad, M Anputhas Food Policy 30 (5-6), 493-509, 2005 | 137 | 2005 |
Water productivity mapping of major Indian crops BR Sharma, A Gulati, G Mohan, S Manchanda, I Ray, U Amarasinghe Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, 2018 | 127 | 2018 |
The Indus and the Ganges: river basins under extreme pressure B Sharma, U Amarasinghe, C Xueliang, D de Condappa, T Shah, ... Water, Food and Poverty in River Basins, 30-58, 2013 | 127 | 2013 |
Toward sustainable coffee production in Vietnam: More coffee with less water UA Amarasinghe, CT Hoanh, D D'haeze, TQ Hung Agricultural Systems 136, 96-105, 2015 | 126 | 2015 |
Changing consumption patterns: Implications on food and water demand in India UA Amarasinghe, T Shah, OP Singh IWMI, 2007 | 119 | 2007 |
Land and water productivity of wheat in the Western Indo-Gangetic plains of India and Pakistan: a comparative analysis. IH Intizar Hussain, R Sakthivadivel, UA Upali Amarasinghe Water productivity in agriculture: limits and opportunities for improvement …, 2003 | 114 | 2003 |
Water scarcity variations within a country: A case study of Sri Lanka UA Amarasinghe, L Mutuwatta, R Sakthivadivel IWMI, 1999 | 102 | 1999 |
Global water demand projections: past, present and future UA Amarasinghe, V Smakhtin IWMI, 2014 | 85 | 2014 |
Water saving and yield enhancing micro irrigation technologies in India: When and where can they become best bet technologies MD Kumar, H Turral, B Sharma, U Amarasinghe, OP Singh Managing water in the face of growing scarcity, inequity and declining …, 2008 | 78 | 2008 |
Does international cereal trade save water C De Fraiture, X Cai, U Amarasinghe, M Rosegrant, D Molden The Impact of Virtual Water Trade on Global Water Use. International Water …, 2004 | 52 | 2004 |
Water productivity and water footprint: misguided concepts or useful tools in water management and policy? UA Amarasinghe, V Smakhtin Water International 39 (7), 1000-1017, 2014 | 51 | 2014 |
Water for rural development: Background paper on water for rural development prepared for the World Bank DJ Molden, UA Amarasinghe, I Hussain IWMI, 2001 | 51 | 2001 |
How do floods and drought impact economic growth and human development at the sub-national level in India? U Amarasinghe, G Amarnath, N Alahacoon, S Ghosh Climate 8 (11), 123, 2020 | 50 | 2020 |
PODIUM: Projecting water supply and demand for food production in 2025 C De Fraiture, D Molden, U Amarasinghe, I Makin Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere …, 2001 | 50 | 2001 |