Robert Van Horn
Robert Van Horn
Associate Professor of Economics, University of Rhode Island
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Cited by
The rise of the Chicago School of Economics and the birth of neoliberalism
R Van Horn, P Mirowski
The road from Mont Pèlerin: The making of the neoliberal thought collective …, 2009
Building Chicago economics: new perspectives on the history of America's most powerful economics program
R Van Horn, P Mirowski, TA Stapleford
Cambridge University Press, 2011
The contract research organization and the commercialization of scientific research
P Mirowski, R Van Horn
Social studies of science 35 (4), 503-548, 2005
Reinventing monopoly and the role of corporations
R Van Horn
The Road from Mont Pelerin, 204, 2009
Introduction to the Symposium on the Contributions of Business to Economics
R Van Horn, E Nik-Khah, W Deringer, M Fourcade, H Maas, T Mata, ...
History of Political Economy 49 (2), 165-176, 2017
Inland empire: economics imperialism as an imperative of Chicago neoliberalism
E Nik-Khah, R Van Horn
Journal of Economic Methodology 19 (3), 259-282, 2012
Chicago's Shifting Attitude Toward Concentrations of Business Power (1934-1962)
R Van Horn
Seattle UL Rev. 34, 1527, 2010
What would Adam Smith have on his iPod? Uses of music in teaching the history of economic thought
R Van Horn, M Van Horn
The Journal of Economic Education 44 (1), 64-73, 2013
The ascendancy of Chicago neoliberalism
E Nik-Khah, R Van Horn
Routledge Handbooks Online, 2016
Intervening in Laissez-faire Liberalism: Chicago’s shift on patents
R Van Horn, M Klaes
Building Chicago economics: new perspectives on the history of America’s …, 2011
Jacob Viner’s critique of Chicago neoliberalism
R Van Horn
Building Chicago Economics, 279-300, 2011
13 Neoliberalism and Chicago
R Van Horn, P Mirowski
The Elgar companion to the Chicago school of economics 196, 2010
Two trajectories of democratic capitalism in the post-war Chicago school: Frank Knight versus Aaron Director
R Van Horn, RB Emmett
Cambridge Journal of Economics 39 (5), 1443-1455, 2015
Henry Simons’s death
R Van Horn
History of Political Economy 46 (3), 525-535, 2014
Chicago neoliberalism versus Cowles planning: Perspectives on patents and public goods in Cold War Economic Thought
R Van Horn, M Klaes
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 47 (3), 302-321, 2011
Hayek's Unacknowledged Disciple: An Exploration of the Political and Intellectual Relationship of FA Hayek and Aaron Director (1945-1950)
R Van Horn
Journal of the History of Economic Thought 35 (03), 271-290, 2013
Corporations and the rise of Chicago law and economics
R Van Horn
Economy and Society 47 (3), 477-499, 2018
18 Aaron Director
R Van Horn
The Elgar companion to the Chicago School of economics, 265, 2010
The origins of the Chicago School of law and economics
R Van Horn
Department of Economics, Notre Dame University, South Bend, IN, 2007
Planning the ‘free’market: The genesis and rise of Chicago neoliberalism
R Van Horn, E Nik-Khan, Cahill
Cahill, et al, 98-112, 2018
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Articles 1–20