Achim Walter
Cited by
Cited by
The impact of network capabilities and entrepreneurial orientation on university spin-off performance
A Walter, M Auer, T Ritter
Journal of business venturing 21 (4), 541-567, 2006
Value creation in buyer–seller relationships: Theoretical considerations and empirical results from a supplier's perspective
A Walter, T Ritter, HG Gemünden
Industrial marketing management 30 (4), 365-377, 2001
Functions of industrial supplier relationships and their impact on relationship quality
A Walter, TA Müller, G Helfert, T Ritter
Industrial marketing management 32 (2), 159-169, 2003
Methodik der empirischen Forschung
D Klapper, U Konradt, A Walter, J Wolf
Gabler, 2009
Relationship-specific factors influencing supplier involvement in customer new product development
A Walter
Journal of Business Research 56 (9), 721-733, 2003
Redefining market orientation from a relationship perspective: Theoretical considerations and empirical results
G Helfert, T Ritter, A Walter
European Journal of marketing 36 (9/10), 1119-1139, 2002
University departments and self–employment intentions of business students: A cross–level analysis
SG Walter, KP Parboteeah, A Walter
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 37 (2), 175-200, 2013
The influence of adaptations, trust, and commitment on value‐creating functions of customer relationships
A Walter, T Ritter
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 18 (4/5), 353-365, 2003
The impact of satisfaction, trust, and relationship value on commitment: Theoretical considerations and empirical results
A Walter, TA Mueller, G Helfert
IMP Conference Proceedings, 07-09, 2000
Der Beziehungspromotor: Schlüsselperson für inter-organisationale Innovationsprozesse
HG Gemünden, A Walter
Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 65, 971-986, 1995
Bridging the gap between suppliers and customers through relationship promoters: theoretical considerations and empirical results
A Walter, H Georg Gemünden
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 15 (2/3), 86-105, 2000
Der Beziehungspromotor: Ein personaler Gestaltungsansatz für erfolgreiches Relationship Marketing
A Walter
Springer-Verlag, 1998
Relationship promoters: Driving forces for successful customer relationships
A Walter
Industrial Marketing Management 28 (5), 537-551, 1999
Relationships and networks in international markets
HG Gemünden, T Ritter, A Walter
Pergamon, 1997
Relationship-specific antecedents of customer involvement in new product development
T Ritter, A Walter
International Journal of Technology Management 26 (5-6), 482-501, 2003
More is not always better: The impact of relationship functions on customer-perceived relationship value
T Ritter, A Walter
Industrial Marketing Management 41 (1), 136-144, 2012
Championship Behaviors and Innovations Success: An Empirical Investigation of University Spin‐Offs*
A Walter, KP Parboteeah, F Riesenhuber, M Hoegl
Journal of product innovation management 28 (4), 586-598, 2011
Complex technological knowledge and value creation in science-to-industry technology transfer projects: The moderating effect of absorptive capacity
A Winkelbach, A Walter
Industrial Marketing Management 47, 98-108, 2015
Foederung des Technologietransfers durch Beziehungspromotoren
HG Gomuenden, A Walter
Zeitschrift Fuhrung und Organisation 65, 237-245, 1996
Beziehungspromotoren-Schlüsselpersonen für zwischenbetriebliche Innovationsprozesse
HG Gemünden, A Walter
Promotoren, 111-132, 1999
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Articles 1–20