Ana María Peco Chacón
Ana María Peco Chacón
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Cited by
A review of non-destructive testing on wind turbines blades
FPG Márquez, AMP Chacón
Renewable Energy 161, 998-1010, 2020
Reliability analysis of detecting false alarms that employ neural networks: A real case study on wind turbines
AP Marugán, AMP Chacón, FPG Márquez
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 191, 106574, 2019
False Alarms Analysis of Wind Turbine Bearing System
AM Peco Chacon, I Segovia Ramirez, FP Garcia Marquez
Sustainability 12 (19), 7867, 2020
K-nearest neighbour and K-fold cross-validation used in wind turbines for false alarm detection
AMP Chacón, IS Ramírez, FPG Márquez
Sustainable Futures 6, 100132, 2023
State of the art of artificial intelligence applied for false alarms in wind turbines
AM Peco Chacón, I Segovia Ramírez, FP García Márquez
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 29 (5), 2659-2683, 2022
The Ginseng Genome
J Xu, TJ Yang, H Hu
Springer International Publishing, 2021
False alarms management by data science
AM Peco Chacón, FP García Márquez
Data science and digital business, 301-316, 2019
False alarm detection in wind turbine by classification models
AMP Chacón, IS Ramirez, FPG Márquez
Advances in Engineering Software 177, 103409, 2023
Support vector machine for false alarm detection in wind turbine management
AMP Chacón, IS Ramirez, FPG Márquez
2021 7th International Conference on Control, Instrumentation and Automation …, 2021
Support vector machine and K-fold cross-validation to detect false alarms in wind turbines
AM Peco Chacon, FP García Márquez
Sustainability: Cases and Studies in Using Operations Research and …, 2023
Maintenance management in wind turbines by monitoring the bearing temperature
AMP Chacón, L Zhang, FPG Márquez
Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Management Science …, 2020
SCADA data analytics for fault detection and diagnosis of wind turbines
AMP Chacón, FPG Márquez
2021 7th International Conference on Control, Instrumentation and Automation …, 2021
Motif analysis in internet of the things platform for wind turbine maintenance management
IS Ramirez, EC Urioso, AM Peco, R Kotorov, L Chi, RG Padhye, ...
Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Management Science …, 2021
False alarm detection in wind turbine management by tree model
AM Peco Chacón, FP García Márquez
Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Management Science …, 2021
SCADA Data-Based Support Vector Machine for False Alarm Identification for Wind Turbine Management.
AM Peco Chacón, I Segovia Ramírez, FP García Márquez
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 37 (3), 2023
False Alarm Detection with K-NN Algorithm for Wind Turbine Maintenance Management
AM Peco Chacón, I Segovia Ramírez, FP García Márquez
The International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial …, 2022
Ingenium Research Group, Universidad Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain
AMP Chacon, FPG Marquez, IS Ramírez
Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring Techniques in Wind Energy, 277, 2023
Alarms and false-alarm analysis by support vector machine in wind turbines
AMP Chacón, FPG Márquez, IS Ramírez
Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring Techniques in Wind Energy …, 2023
Prediction and classification of different wind turbine alarms using K-nearest neighbors
AMP Chacon, FPG Marquez, IS Ramírez
Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring Techniques in Wind Energy, 31, 2023
Classification of SCADA Alarms and False Alarm Identification Using Support Vector Machine for Wind Turbine Management
AM Peco Chacon, FPG Marquez
International Conference on Computing, Intelligence and Data Analytics, 535-547, 2022
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Articles 1–20