The environmental social cost of urban road freight: Evidence from the Paris region N Coulombel, L Dablanc, M Gardrat, M Koning Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 63, 514-532, 2018 | 111 | 2018 |
Appraising the environmental benefits of ride-sharing: The Paris region case study B Yin, L Liu, N Coulombel, V Viguié Journal of cleaner production 177, 888-898, 2018 | 106 | 2018 |
Substantial rebound effects in urban ridesharing: Simulating travel decisions in Paris, France N Coulombel, V Boutueil, L Liu, V Viguie, B Yin Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 71, 110-126, 2019 | 103 | 2019 |
Investigating fuel poverty in the transport sector: Toward a composite indicator of vulnerability A Berry, Y Jouffe, N Coulombel, C Guivarch Energy Research & Social Science 18, 7-20, 2016 | 88 | 2016 |
The value of service reliability V Benezech, N Coulombel Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 58, 1-15, 2013 | 66 | 2013 |
Immunotherapy with grass pollen tablets reduces medication dispensing for allergic rhinitis and asthma: a retrospective database study in France P Devillier, M Molimard, X Ansolabehere, I Bardoulat, N Coulombel, ... Allergy 74 (7), 1317-1326, 2019 | 59 | 2019 |
Residential choice and household behavior: State of the Art N Coulombel Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, 2010 | 56 | 2010 |
Why housing and transport costs should always be considered together: A monocentric analysis of prudential measures in housing access N Coulombel Transport policy 65, 89-105, 2018 | 49 | 2018 |
The valuation of travel time reliability: does congestion matter? Y Xiao, N Coulombel, A De Palma Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 97, 113-141, 2017 | 47 | 2017 |
A comparison of euclidean distance, travel times, and network distances in location choice mixture models S Buczkowska, N Coulombel, M de Lapparent Networks and spatial economics 19 (4), 1215-1248, 2019 | 39 | 2019 |
The marginal social cost of travel time variability N Coulombel, A de Palma Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 47, 47-60, 2014 | 36 | 2014 |
Les ménages arbitrent-ils entre coût du logement et coût du transport: une réponse dans le cas francilien N Coulombel, F Leurent Economie et Statistique/Economics and Statistics 457, 57-75, 2013 | 28 | 2013 |
Variability of travel time, congestion, and the cost of travel N Coulombel, A De Palma Mathematical Population Studies 21 (4), 220-242, 2014 | 24 | 2014 |
PIRANDELLO an integrated transport and land-use model for the Paris area J Delons, N Coulombel, F Leurent | 18 | 2008 |
Incidence and prevalence of neovascular age-related macular degeneration in France between 2008 and 2018: the LANDSCAPE study CP Creuzot-Garcher, M Srour, F Baudin, V Daien, C Dot, S Nghiem-Buffet, ... Ophthalmology Science 2 (1), 100114, 2022 | 17 | 2022 |
Evaluation of ridesharing impacts using an integrated transport land-use model: a case study for the Paris region B Yin, L Liu, N Coulombel, V Viguié Transportation Research Procedia 27, 824-831, 2017 | 16 | 2017 |
Can public transport improve accessibility for the poor over the long term? Empirical evidence in Paris, 1968–2010 V Viguié, C Liotta, B Pfeiffer, N Coulombel Journal of Transport Geography 106, 103473, 2023 | 13 | 2023 |
CITYLAB Deliverable 2.1 L Dablanc, Z Liu, L Kelli de Oliveira, M Koning, C Blanquart, F Combes, ... Observatory of Strategic Developments Impacting Urban Logistics (2017 …, 2017 | 13 | 2017 |
A survey on the calibration and validation of integrated land use and transportation models P Bonnel, N Coulombel, E Prados, P Sturm, E Arnaud, C Boittin, ... Symposium" Towards integrated modelling of urban systems", 2014 | 13 | 2014 |
Residential choice and households strategies in the Greater Paris Region N Coulombel, F Leurent, M Deschamps Proceedings of the European Transport Conference, 2007 | 11 | 2007 |