Reidulv Bøe
Reidulv Bøe
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The 1996 Finneidfjord slide; seafloor failure and slide dynamics
O Longva, N Janbu, LH Blikra, R Bøe
Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences: 1 st International …, 2003
Elongate depressions on the southern slope of the Norwegian Trench (Skagerrak): morphology and evolution
R Bøe, L Rise, D Ottesen
Marine Geology 146 (1-4), 191-203, 1998
Multiple episodes of fluid flow in the SW Barents Sea (Loppa High) evidenced by gas flares, pockmarks and gas hydrate accumulation
S Chand, T Thorsnes, L Rise, H Brunstad, D Stoddart, R Bøe, P Lågstad, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 331, 305-314, 2012
Pockmark-like depressions near the Goliat hydrocarbon field, Barents Sea: morphology and genesis
S Chand, L Rise, D Ottesen, MFJ Dolan, V Bellec, R Bøe
Marine and Petroleum Geology 26 (7), 1035-1042, 2009
Postglacial mass movements and their causes in fjords and lakes in western Norway.
R Bøe, O Longva, A Lepland, LH Blikra, E Sønstegaard, H Haflidason, ...
Norwegian Journal of Geology/Norsk Geologisk Forening 84 (1), 2004
Submarine slide scars and mass movements in Karmsundet and Skudenesfjorden, southwestern Norway: morphology and evolution
R Bøe, M Hovland, A Instanes, L Rise, S Vasshus
Marine Geology 167 (1-2), 147-165, 2000
Giant sandwaves in the Hola glacial trough off Vesterålen, North Norway
R Bøe, VK Bellec, MFJ Dolan, P Buhl-Mortensen, L Buhl-Mortensen, ...
Marine Geology 267 (1-2), 36-54, 2009
Sea-bed pockmarks related to fluid migration from Mesozoic bedrock strata in the Skagerrak offshore Norway
L Rise, J Sættem, S Fanavoll, T Thorsnes, D Ottesen, R Bøe
Marine and Petroleum Geology 16 (7), 619-631, 1999
Mesozoic sedimentary rocks in Edøyfjorden and Beitstadfjorden, central Norway: implications for the structural history of the Møre-Trøndelag Fault Zone
R Bøe, K Bjerkli
Marine Geology 87 (2-4), 287-299, 1989
The Lofoten-Vesterålen continental margin, North Norway: Canyons and mass-movement activity
L Rise, R Bøe, F Riis, VK Bellec, JS Laberg, T Eidvin, S Elvenes, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 45, 134-149, 2013
Pockmarks in the southwestern Barents Sea and Finnmark fjords.
L Rise, VK Bellec, S Chand, R Bøe
Norwegian Journal of Geology/Norsk Geologisk Forening 94 (4), 2014
Mesozoic sediments and structures onshore Norway and in the coastal zone
R Bøe, M Smelror, H Fossen
Holocene mass-movement processes in Trondheimsfjorden, Central Norway
R Boe, L Rise, LH Blikra, O Longva, A Eide
Late Cenozoic geological development of the south Vøring margin, mid-Norway
L Rise, S Chand, BO Hjelstuen, H Haflidason, R Bøe
Marine and Petroleum Geology 27 (9), 1789-1803, 2010
Bottom currents interpreted from iceberg ploughmarks revealed by multibeam data at Tromsøflaket, Barents Sea
V Bellec, M Wilson, R Bøe, L Rise, T Thorsnes, L Buhl-Mortensen, ...
Marine Geology 249 (3-4), 257-270, 2008
Geometry and subcrop maps of shallow Jurassic basins along the Mid-Norway coast
A Sommaruga, R Bøe
Marine and Petroleum Geology 19 (8), 1029-1042, 2002
CO2 point sources and subsurface storage capacities for CO2 in aquifers in Norway
R Bøe, C Magnus, PT Osmundsen, BI Rindstad
NGU report 2002132, 2002
The deglaciation history of Trondheimsfjorden and Trondheimsleia, Central Norway.
L Rise, R Bøe, H Sveian, A Lyså, HA Olsen
Norwegian Journal of Geology/Norsk Geologisk Forening 86 (4), 2006
Landform assemblages and sedimentary processes along the Norwegian Channel Ice Stream
D Ottesen, CR Stokes, R Bøe, L Rise, O Longva, T Thorsnes, O Olesen, ...
Sedimentary Geology 338, 115-137, 2016
Developing seabed nature-type maps offshore Norway: initial results from the MAREANO programme
MFJ Dolan, P Buhl-Mortensen, T Thorsnes, L Buhl-Mortensen, VK Bellec, ...
Norwegian Journal of Geology 89 (1-2), 17-28, 2009
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