Mark Stewart
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Cited by
Do septal neurons pace the hippocampal theta rhythm?
M Stewart, SE Fox
Trends in neurosciences 13 (5), 163-169, 1990
Physiological basis of motor effects of a transient stimulus to cerebral cortex.
VE Amassian, M Stewart, GJ Quirk, JL Rosenthal
Neurosurgery 20 (1), 74-93, 1987
Current source density analysis of the hippocampal theta rhythm: associated sustained potentials and candidate synaptic generators
J Brankačk, M Stewart, SE Fox
Brain research 615 (2), 310-327, 1993
A comparison of corticospinal activation by magnetic coil and electrical stimulation of monkey motor cortex
VE Amassian, GJ Quirk, M Stewart
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/Evoked Potentials …, 1990
Near-infrared diffuse optical tomography
AH Hielscher, AY Bluestone, GS Abdoulaev, AD Klose, J Lasker, ...
Disease markers 18 (5-6), 313-337, 2002
Two populations of rhythmically bursting neurons in rat medial septum are revealed by atropine
M Stewart, SE Fox
Journal of neurophysiology 61 (5), 982-993, 1989
Intrinsic properties and evoked responses of guinea pig subicular neurons in vitro
M Stewart, RK Wong
Journal of neurophysiology 70 (1), 232-245, 1993
Gap junctions on hippocampal mossy fiber axons demonstrated by thin-section electron microscopy and freeze–fracture replica immunogold labeling
F Hamzei-Sichani, N Kamasawa, WGM Janssen, T Yasumura, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (30), 12548-12553, 2007
Different firing patterns generated in dendrites and somata of CA1 pyramidal neurones in guinea‐pig hippocampus.
RK Wong, M Stewart
The Journal of Physiology 457 (1), 675-687, 1992
Hippocampal theta activity in monkeys
M Stewart, SE Fox
Brain research 538 (1), 59-63, 1991
Intrinsic connectivity of the rat subiculum: I. Dendritic morphology and patterns of axonal arborization by pyramidal neurons
E Harris, MP Witter, G Weinstein, M Stewart
Journal of Comparative Neurology 435 (4), 490-505, 2001
Neurogenic pathway mediated remote preconditioning protects the brain from transient focal ischemic injury
S Malhotra, I Naggar, M Stewart, DM Rosenbaum
Brain research 1386, 184-190, 2011
Three-dimensional optical tomographic brain imaging in small animals, part 1: hypercapnia
AY Bluestone, M Stewart, JM Lasker, GS Abdoulaev, AH Hielscher
Journal of biomedical optics 9 (5), 1046-1062, 2004
Autonomic consequences of kainic acid–induced limbic cortical seizures in rats: Peripheral autonomic nerve activity, acute cardiovascular changes, and death
K Sakamoto, T Saito, R Orman, K Koizumi, J Lazar, L Salciccioli, ...
Epilepsia 49 (6), 982-996, 2008
Laryngospasm, central and obstructive apnea during seizures: Defining pathophysiology for sudden death in a rat model
K Nakase, R Kollmar, J Lazar, H Arjomandi, K Sundaram, J Silverman, ...
Epilepsy research 128, 126-139, 2016
Firing relations of medial entorhinal neurons to the hippocampal theta rhythm in urethane anesthetized and walking rats
M Stewart, GJ Quirk, M Barry, SE Fox
Experimental brain research 90, 21-28, 1992
Firing relations of medial septal neurons to the hippocampal theta rhythm in urethane anesthetized rats
M Stewart, SE Fox
Experimental Brain Research 77 (3), 507-516, 1989
Intrinsic connectivity of the rat subiculum: II. Properties of synchronous spontaneous activity and a demonstration of multiple generator regions
E Harris, M Stewart
Journal of Comparative Neurology 435 (4), 506-518, 2001
Presubicular and parasubicular cortical neurons of the rat: functional separation of deep and superficial neurons in vitro
M Funahashi, M Stewart
The Journal of physiology 501 (2), 387-403, 1997
Tau and amyloid-related pathologies in the entorhinal cortex have divergent effects in the hippocampal circuit
SL Angulo, R Orman, SA Neymotin, L Liu, L Buitrago, E Cepeda-Prado, ...
Neurobiology of disease 108, 261-276, 2017
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