John Ring
John Ring
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A measure of variations in internal social capital among family firms
JC Carr, MS Cole, JK Ring, DP Blettner
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 35 (6), 1207-1227, 2011
Small firm growth as a function of both learning orientation and entrepreneurial orientation: An empirical analysis
JA Wolff, TL Pett, JK Ring
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 21 (5), 709-730, 2015
Business networks and economic development in rural communities in the United States
JK Ring, AM Peredo, JJ Chrisman
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 34 (1), 171-195, 2010
Big data analytics and competitive advantage: the strategic role of firm-specific knowledge
R Dahiya, S Le, JK Ring, K Watson
Journal of Strategy and Management 15 (2), 175-193, 2022
Counseling assistance, entrepreneurship education, and new venture performance
JJ Chrisman, WE McMullan, J Kirk Ring, DT Holt
Journal of Entrepreneurship and public policy 1 (1), 63-83, 2012
Organizational moral identity centrality: Relationships with citizenship behaviors and unethical prosocial behaviors
CF Matherne, JK Ring, S Farmer
Journal of Business and Psychology 33, 711-726, 2018
Beyond organizational identification: The legitimization and robustness of family identification in the family firm
C Matherne, B Waterwall, JK Ring, K Credo
Journal of family business strategy 8 (3), 170-184, 2017
Which type of advisors do family businesses trust most? An exploratory application of socioemotional selectivity theory
JT Perry, JK Ring, JC Broberg
Family Business Review 28 (3), 211-226, 2015
The effect of perceived organizational support and safety climate on voluntary turnover in the transportation industry
JK Ring
International Journal of Business Research and Management 1 (3), 156-168, 2011
Developing a psychometrically sound measure of collegiate teaching proficiency.
DC Barnes, BT Engelland, CF Matherne, WC Martin, CP Orgeron, JK Ring, ...
College Student Journal 42 (1), 199-214, 2008
Multiple social identifications and the family firm
CF Matherne III, JK Ring, NMK D'Lisa
Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management 13 (1), 24-43, 2011
Family firm knowledge integration and noneconomic value creation
JC Carr, JK Ring
Journal of Managerial Issues, 30-56, 2017
Land valuation increases from recreational opportunity: a study of Mississippi rural land sales
DW Jones, KJ Ring, JC Jones, K Watson, DW Parvin, IA Munn
Proceedings of the Annual Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife …, 2006
The use of a web-based course management system: Causes and performance effects
JK Ring, FW Kellermanns, T Barnett, AW Pearson, RA Pearson
Journal of Management Education 37 (6), 854-882, 2013
How tempered radicals pursue ideological change in organizations
S Bajaba, B Fuller, MJ Simmering, J Haynie, JK Ring, A Bajaba
Current Psychology 42 (20), 16932-16949, 2023
Ethical human resource practices from the perspective of family ownership
J Perry, JK Ring, CF Matherne, G Markova
Academy of Management Proceedings 2013 (1), 17043, 2013
Family Firms, Stakeholder Relationships, and Competitive Advantage: A Review and Directions for Future Research
JK Ring, J Brown, CF Matherne
The Routledge Companion to Family Business, 189-204, 2016
Stakeholder salience in the family firm
JK Ring
Mississippi State University, 2009
Motivating and retaining non-family employees in the absence of fair policies and procedures: a family firm perspective
JJ Haynie, AM Franco-Watkins, JK Ring
Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship 36 (3), 341-357, 2024
Knowledge Acquisition Frequency and Business Model Adaptation in Nascent Firms.
JK Ring, JC Carr, TL Michaelis, JM Pollack, L Sheats
Journal of Managerial Issues 33 (2), 2021
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