Rebecca C. Jordan
Rebecca C. Jordan
Michigan State University, Dept. of Community Sustainability
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Public participation in scientific research: a framework for deliberate design
JL Shirk, HL Ballard, CC Wilderman, T Phillips, A Wiggins, R Jordan, ...
Ecology and society 17 (2), 2012
Public Participation in Scientific Research: Defining the Field and Assessing Its Potential for Informal Science Education. A CAISE Inquiry Group Report.
R Bonney, H Ballard, R Jordan, E McCallie, T Phillips, J Shirk, ...
Online submission, 2009
Knowledge gain and behavioral change in citizen‐science programs
RC Jordan, SA Gray, DV Howe, WR Brooks, JG Ehrenfeld
Conservation biology 25 (6), 1148-1154, 2011
Tools and methods in participatory modeling: Selecting the right tool for the job
A Voinov, K Jenni, S Gray, N Kolagani, PD Glynn, P Bommel, C Prell, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 109, 232-255, 2018
The impacts of an invasive species citizen science training program on participant attitudes, behavior, and science literacy
AW Crall, R Jordan, K Holfelder, GJ Newman, J Graham, DM Waller
Public understanding of Science 22 (6), 745-764, 2013
Design and reflection help students develop scientific abilities: Learning in introductory physics laboratories
E Etkina, A Karelina, M Ruibal-Villasenor, D Rosengrant, R Jordan, ...
The Journal of the Learning Sciences 19 (1), 54-98, 2010
Using fuzzy cognitive mapping as a participatory approach to analyze change, preferred states, and perceived resilience of social-ecological systems
SA Gray, S Gray, JL De Kok, AER Helfgott, B O'Dwyer, R Jordan, A Nyaki
Ecology and Society 20 (2), 2015
Key issues and new approaches for evaluating citizen‐science learning outcomes
RC Jordan, HL Ballard, TB Phillips
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10 (6), 307-309, 2012
Modeling the integration of stakeholder knowledge in social–ecological decision-making: Benefits and limitations to knowledge diversity
S Gray, A Chan, D Clark, R Jordan
Ecological Modelling 229, 88-96, 2012
Restarting the conversation: challenges at the interface between ecology and society
PM Groffman, C Stylinski, MC Nisbet, CM Duarte, R Jordan, A Burgin, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8 (6), 284-291, 2010
A framework for incorporating evolutionary genomics into biodiversity conservation and management
A Hoffmann, P Griffin, S Dillon, R Catullo, R Rane, M Byrne, R Jordan, ...
Climate Change Responses 2, 1-24, 2015
What should every citizen know about ecology?
R Jordan, F Singer, J Vaughan, A Berkowitz
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7 (9), 495-500, 2009
Understanding complex natural systems by articulating structure-behavior-function models
SS Vattam, AK Goel, S Rugaber, CE Hmelo-Silver, R Jordan, S Gray, ...
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 14 (1), 66-81, 2011
Bridging the nature gap: can citizen science reverse the extinction of experience?
SG Schuttler, AE Sorensen, RC Jordan, C Cooper, A Shwartz
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 16 (7), 405-411, 2018
Adaptive molecular evolution in the opsin genes of rapidly speciating cichlid species
TC Spady, O Seehausen, ER Loew, RC Jordan, TD Kocher, KL Carleton
Molecular Biology and Evolution 22 (6), 1412-1422, 2005
Understanding collaborative learning processes in new learning environments
CE Hmelo-Silver, E Chernobilsky, R Jordan
Instructional Science 36, 409-430, 2008
Systems learning with a conceptual representation: A quasi-experimental study
CE Hmelo-Silver, R Jordan, C Eberbach, S Sinha
Instructional Science 45, 53-72, 2017
Citizen science as a distinct field of inquiry
R Jordan, A Crall, S Gray, T Phillips, D Mellor
BioScience 65 (2), 208-211, 2015
Opposing influence of top-down and bottom-up input on excitatory layer 2/3 neurons in mouse primary visual cortex
R Jordan, GB Keller
Neuron 108 (6), 1194-1206. e5, 2020
Combining participatory modelling and citizen science to support volunteer conservation action
S Gray, R Jordan, A Crall, G Newman, C Hmelo-Silver, J Huang, W Novak, ...
Biological conservation 208, 76-86, 2017
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