Lauri Korhonen
Lauri Korhonen
University of Eastern Finland, School of Forest Sciences
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Estimation of forest canopy cover: a comparison of field measurement techniques
L Korhonen, KT Korhonen, M Rautiainen, P Stenberg
Silva Fennica 40 (4), 577-588, 2006
Airborne discrete-return LIDAR data in the estimation of vertical canopy cover, angular canopy closure and leaf area index
L Korhonen, I Korpela, J Heiskanen, M Maltamo
Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (4), 1065-1080, 2011
Comparison of Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 in the estimation of boreal forest canopy cover and leaf area index
L Korhonen, Hadi, P Packalen, M Rautiainen
Remote Sensing of Environment 195, 259-274, 2017
LiDAR waveform features for tree species classification and their sensitivity to tree-and acquisition related parameters
A Hovi, L Korhonen, J Vauhkonen, I Korpela
Remote sensing of environment 173, 224-237, 2016
Forestation of boreal peatlands: Impacts of changing albedo and greenhouse gas fluxes on radiative forcing
A Lohila, K Minkkinen, J Laine, I Savolainen, JP Tuovinen, L Korhonen, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 115 (G4), 2010
Seasonal variation in MODIS LAI for a boreal forest area in Finland
J Heiskanen, M Rautiainen, P Stenberg, M Mõttus, VH Vesanto, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 126, 104-115, 2012
Local models for forest canopy cover with beta regression
L Korhonen, KT Korhonen, P Stenberg, M Maltamo, M Rautiainen
Silva Fennica 41 (4), 671-685, 2007
Nationwide airborne laser scanning based models for volume, biomass and dominant height in Finland
E Kotivuori, L Korhonen, P Packalen
Silva Fennica 50 (4), 2016
Estimation of tree crown volume from airborne lidar data using computational geometry
L Korhonen, J Vauhkonen, A Virolainen, A Hovi, I Korpela
International journal of remote sensing 34 (20), 7236-7248, 2013
Comparison of methods for measuring gap size distribution and canopy nonrandomness at Järvselja RAMI (RAdiation transfer Model Intercomparison) test sites
J Pisek, M Lang, T Nilson, L Korhonen, H Karu
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151 (3), 365-377, 2011
Use of airborne lidar for estimating canopy gap fraction and leaf area index of tropical montane forests
J Heiskanen, L Korhonen, J Hietanen, PKE Pellikka
International Journal of Remote Sensing 36 (10), 2569-2583, 2015
Bayesian approach to tree detection based on airborne laser scanning data
T Lahivaara, A Seppanen, JP Kaipio, J Vauhkonen, L Korhonen, T Tokola, ...
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 52 (5), 2690-2699, 2013
Seasonal changes in canopy leaf area index and MODIS vegetation products for a boreal forest site in central Finland
M Rautiainen, J Heiskanen, L Korhonen
Boreal Environment Research 17 (1), 72, 2012
Multispectral airborne LiDAR data in the prediction of boreal tree species composition
M Kukkonen, M Maltamo, L Korhonen, P Packalen
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 57 (6), 3462-3471, 2019
Automated analysis of in situ canopy images for the estimation of forest canopy cover
L Korhonen, J Heikkinen
Forest Science 55 (4), 323-334, 2009
Retrieval of boreal forest LAI using a forest reflectance model and empirical regressions
J Heiskanen, M Rautiainen, L Korhonen, M Mottus, P Stenberg
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 13 (4 …, 2011
Retrieving vegetation clumping index from Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) data at 275m resolution
J Pisek, Y Ryu, M Sprintsin, L He, AJ Oliphant, L Korhonen, J Kuusk, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 138, 126-133, 2013
Comparison of linear regression, k-nearest neighbour and random forest methods in airborne laser-scanning-based prediction of growing stock
DN Cosenza, L Korhonen, M Maltamo, P Packalen, JL Strunk, E Næsset, ...
Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research 94 (2), 311-323, 2021
Structural factors driving boreal forest albedo in Finland
N Kuusinen, P Stenberg, L Korhonen, M Rautiainen, E Tomppo
Remote sensing of environment 175, 43-51, 2016
Laser-assisted selection of field plots for an area-based forest inventory
T Gobakken, L Korhonen, E Næsset
Silva Fennica 47 (5), 2013
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Articles 1–20