Erik Knudsen
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Sitert av
Affective polarization in multiparty systems? Comparing affective polarization towards voters and parties in Norway and the United States
E Knudsen
Scandinavian Political Studies 44 (1), 34-44, 2021
Towards responsible media recommendation
M Elahi, D Jannach, L Skjærven, E Knudsen, H Sjøvaag, K Tolonen, ...
AI and Ethics, 1-12, 2022
When politicians go native: The consequences of political native advertising for citizens' trust in news
M Iversen, E Knudsen
Journalism, 2017
Beyond the Limits of Survey Experiments: How Conjoint Designs Advance Causal Inference in Political Communication Research
E Knudsen, MP Johannesson
Political Communication, 2018
How the public understands news media trust: An open-ended approach
E Knudsen, S Dahlberg, MH Iversen, MP Johannesson, S Nygaard
Journalism 23 (11), 2347-2363, 2022
The visual boundaries of journalism: Native advertising and the convergence of editorial and commercial content
R Ferrer-Conill, E Knudsen, C Lauerer, A Barnoy
Sponsored Editorial Content in Digital Journalism, 65-87, 2023
Media effects as a two-sided field: Comparing theories and research of framing and agenda setting
E Knudsen
Media practice and everyday agency in Europe, 207, 2014
How rally-round-the-flag effects shape trust in the news media: evidence from panel waves before and during the covid-19 pandemic crisis
E Knudsen, ÅD Nordø, MH Iversen
Political Communication 40 (2), 201-221, 2023
Disentangling the influence of recommender attributes and news-story attributes: A conjoint experiment on exposure and sharing decisions on social networking sites
MP Johannesson, E Knudsen
Digital Journalism 9 (8), 1141-1161, 2021
Når nyhetsrammer og medialisering møtes - Hvordan og hvorfor ramme- og medialiseringsteori bør integreres tettere
E Knudsen
Norsk Medietidsskrift 22 (4), 1-19, 2016
Mistillit til den andre siden: Ideologisk selektiv eksponering og tillit til røde og blå medier
E Knudsen, MH Iversen, E Vatnøy
Norsk medietidsskrift 25 (2), 1-20, 2018
Journalistikkens fremstillingsmakt. Nyhetsrammer, meningsdanning og medialisering
E Knudsen
Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen, 2016
Modeling news recommender systems’ conditional effects on selective exposure: evidence from two online experiments
E Knudsen
Journal of Communication, 1-12, 2022
Norwegian citizen panel wave 7
E Ivarsflaten, S Arnesen, B Folkestad, E Tvinnereim, M Johannesson, ...
Ideas2Evidence. Bergen, Norway: University of Bergen and UNI Research Rokkan …, 2016
Monsterjournalistikken: pressens rolle i Hardangersaken:(en kvantitativ innholdsanalyse av VG, Aftenposten og BTs dekning av kraftlinjesaken Sima-Samnanger)
E Knudsen
Bergen: University of Bergen. Masteroppgave, 2011
The Impact of Climate Change on Lifestyle Journalism
D Elgesem, E Knudsen, K Fløttum
Journalism Studies 25 (4), 337-357, 2024
Topical Preference Trumps Other Features in News Recommendation: A Conjoint Analysis on a Representative Sample from Norway.
E Knudsen, AD Starke, C Trattner
INRA@ RecSys, 2023
Understanding How News Recommender Systems Influence Selective Exposure.
KMA Seddik, E Knudsen, D Trilling, C Trattner
BehavRec@ RecSys, 2023
Political media effects in a Nordic perspective
A Beyer, E Knudsen, K Andersen, A Shehata
Power, communication, and politics in the Nordic countries, 347-363, 2021
Perception versus Reality: Evaluating User Awareness of Political Selective Exposure in News Recommender Systems
A Starke, AS Bremnes, E Knudsen, D Trilling, C Trattner
Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation …, 2024
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