Marte Rønning
Marte Rønning
Senior Researcher, Statistics Norway
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Who benefits from homework assignments?
M Rønning
Economics of Education Review 30 (1), 55-64, 2011
Quasi‐experimental estimates of the effect of class size on achievement in Norway
E Leuven, H Oosterbeek, M Rønning
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 110 (4), 663-693, 2008
Why do wealthy parents have wealthy children?
A Fagereng, M Mogstad, M Rønning
Journal of Political Economy 129 (3), 703-756, 2021
The influence of student achievement on teacher turnover
T Falch, M Rønning
Education Economics 15 (2), 177-202, 2007
Classroom grade composition and pupil achievement
E Leuven, M Rønning
The Economic Journal 126 (593), 1164-1192, 2016
Financial incentives and study duration in higher education
T Gunnes, LJ Kirkebøen, M Rønning
Labour economics 25, 1-11, 2013
Homework assignment and student achievement in OECD countries
T Falch, M Rønning
Discussion Papers, 2012
Access to treatment and educational inequalities in cancer survival
JH Fiva, T Hægeland, M Rønning, A Syse
Journal of health economics 36, 98-111, 2014
Education and cancer risk
E Leuven, E Plug, M Rønning
Labour Economics 43, 106-121, 2016
Child care center quality and early child development
N Drange, M Rønning
Journal of Public Economics 188, 104204, 2020
The incentive effects of property taxation: Evidence from Norwegian school districts
JH Fiva, M Rønning
Regional Science and Urban Economics 38 (1), 49-62, 2008
A cost model of schools: School size, school structure and student composition
T Falch, M Rønning, B Strøm
Governance and performance of education systems, 247-265, 2008
Karakterpraksis i grunnskoler: Sammenheng mellom standpunkt-og
TA Galloway, LJ Kirkebøen, M Rønning
Statistisk sentralbyrå, 2011
Fullføring av videregående opplæring og effekter av tiltak mot frafall. Sluttrapport fra effektevalueringen av Overgangsprosjektet i Ny GIV
I Huitfeldt, LJ Kirkebøen, S Strømsvåg, G Eielsen, M Rønning
Statistisk sentralbyrå, 2018
Health status after cancer: does it matter which hospital you belong to?
JH Fiva, T Hægeland, M Rønning
BMC Health Services Research 10, 1-13, 2010
Child care center staff composition and early child development
N Drange, M Rønning
Discussion Papers, 2017
Didactic methods and small-group instruction for low-performing adolescents in mathematics: Results from a randomized controlled trial
LJ Kirkebøen, T Gunnes, L Lindenskov, M Rønning
Discussion Papers, 2021
Forhold som påvirker kommunenes utgiftsbehov i skolesektoren
T Falch, M Rønning, B Strøm
Smådriftsulemper, skolestruktur og elevsammensetning. SØF-rapport 4 (05), 2005
Effektevaluering av intensivopplæringen iOvergangsprosjektet, Ny GIV
G Eielsen, LJ Kirkebøen, E Leuven, M Rønning, O Raaum
Første delrapport, Statistisk sentralbyrå Rapporter 54, 2013, 2013
Matematikkdidaktisk etterutdanning av lærere og målrettet strukturert matematikkundervisning ved overgang til 8. trinn og VG1. Foreløpig beskrivelse av utforming og …
LJ Kirkebøen, G Eielsen, M Rønning, S Strømsvåg, S Andresen, ...
Statistisk sentralbyrå, 2018
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