Jacques Malenfant
Jacques Malenfant
professeur d'informatique, Sorbonne Université
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Using reinforcement learning for autonomic resource allocation in clouds: towards a fully automated workflow
X Dutreilh, S Kirgizov, O Melekhova, J Malenfant, N Rivierre, I Truck
ICAS 2011, The Seventh International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous …, 2011
From data center resource allocation to control theory and back
X Dutreilh, A Moreau, J Malenfant, N Rivierre, I Truck
2010 IEEE 3rd international conference on cloud computing, 410-417, 2010
Reflection in logic, functional and object-oriented programming: a short comparative study
FN Demers, J Malenfant
Proceedings of the IJCAI 95, 29-38, 1995
A tutorial on behavioral reflection and its implementation
J Malenfant, M Jacques, FN Demers
Proceedings of the Reflection 96, 1-20, 1996
Prototype-based languages: from a new taxonomy to constructive proposals and their validation
C Dony, J Malenfant, P Cointe
Conference proceedings on Object-oriented programming systems, languages …, 1992
Computing optimal checkpointing strategies for rollback and recovery systems
P L'Ecuyer, J Malenfant
IEEE Transactions on computers 37 (4), 491-496, 1988
Towards a methodology for explicit composition of metaobjects
P Mulet, J Malenfant, P Cointe
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 30 (10), 316-330, 1995
Qos-based late-binding of service invocations in adaptive business processes
P Châtel, J Malenfant, I Truck
2010 IEEE International Conference on Web Services, 227-234, 2010
On the semantic diversity of delegation-based programming languages
J Malenfant
ACM Sigplan Notices 30 (10), 215-230, 1995
A semantics of introspection in a reflective prototype-based language
J Malenfant, C Dony, P Cointe
Lisp and symbolic computation 9 (2-3), 153-179, 1996
Behavioral Reflection in a prototype-based language
J Malenfant, C Dony, P Cointe
Proceedings of Int’l Workshop on Reflection and Meta-Level Architectures …, 1992
Classifying prototype-based programming languages
C Dony, J Malenfant, D Bardou
Prototype-based Programming: Concepts, Languages and Applications 86, 71, 1998
LCP-nets: A linguistic approach for non-functional preferences in a semantic SOA environment
P Châtel, I Truck, J Malenfant
Journal of Universal Computer Science 16 (1), 198-217, 2010
SCOOP Structured Concurrent Object Oriented Prolog
J Vaucher, G Lapalme, J Malenfant
European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 191-211, 1988
Plan-based replication for fault-tolerant multi-agent systems
AL Almeida, S Aknine, JP Briot, J Malenfant
Proceedings 20th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing …, 2006
A predictive method for providing fault tolerance in multi-agent systems
A de Luna Almeida, S Aknine, JP Briot, J Malenfant
2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology …, 2006
ObjVProlog: Metaclasses in Logic.
J Malenfant, G Lapalme, JG Vaucher
ECOOP 89, 257-269, 1989
Enabling semantic interoperability of asset administration shells through an ontology-based modeling method
Y Huang, S Dhouib, LP Medinacelli, J Malenfant
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering …, 2022
An AAS Modeling Tool for Capability-Based Engineering of Flexible Production Lines
Y Huang, S Dhouib, J Malenfant
IECON 2021–47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2021
ARM: un modèle réflexif asynchrone pour les objets répartis et réactifs
J Malenfant, S Denier
L'Objet 9 (1-2), 91-103, 2003
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Articles 1–20