Maria Elena Hernandez
Maria Elena Hernandez
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Impacto del estrés psicosocial en la salud
DH Covarrubias, GAC Avila, DA Muñoz-Zavaleta, OG Mora, GEA Abreu, ...
Revista eNeurobiología 8 (17), 2017
Practice patterns and outcomes after stroke across countries at different economic levels (INTERSTROKE): an international observational study
P Langhorne, MJ O'Donnell, SL Chin, H Zhang, D Xavier, A Avezum, ...
The Lancet 391 (10134), 2019-2027, 2018
Amantadine as a drug to mitigate the effects of COVID-19
GEA Abreu, MEH Aguilar, DH Covarrubias, FR Durán
Medical Hypotheses 140, 109755, 2020
Enfermedad de Alzheimer: inmunidad y diagnóstico
M Herrera-Rivero, ME Hernández-Aguilar, J Manzo, GE Aranda-Abreu
Revista de neurología 51 (3), 153-164, 2010
The effects of enriched environment on BDNF expression in the mouse cerebellum depending on the length of exposure
D Vazquez-Sanroman, C Sanchis-Segura, R Toledo, ME Hernández, ...
Behavioural brain research 243, 118-128, 2013
Prostate response to prolactin in sexually active male rats
ME Hernandez, A Soto-Cid, F Rojas, LI Pascual, GE Aranda-Abreu, ...
Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 4, 1-12, 2006
Fos expression at the cerebellum following non-contact arousal and mating behavior in male rats
J Manzo, M Miquel, R Toledo, JA Mayor-Mar, LI Garcia, GE Aranda-Abreu, ...
Physiology & behavior 93 (1-2), 357-363, 2008
A study of the prostate, androgens and sexual activity of male rats
ME Hernandez, A Soto-Cid, GE Aranda-Abreu, R Díaz, F Rojas, LI Garcia, ...
Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 5, 1-9, 2007
La inteligencia emocional y su relación con el rendimiento académico
M Hernández, A Ortega, Y Tafur
Trabajo para optar el título de Licenciada en Educación Básica Primaria, 2020
La obesidad como factor de riesgo en el desarrollo de cáncer
D Herrera-Covarrubias, GA Coria-Avila, C Fernández-Pomares, ...
Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública 32, 766-776, 2015
Observational study of people infected with SARS-Cov-2, treated with amantadine
GE Aranda-Abreu, JD Aranda-Martínez, R Araújo, ME Hernández-Aguilar, ...
Pharmacological Reports 72 (6), 1538-1541, 2020
Same-sex cohabitation under the effects of quinpirole induces a conditioned socio-sexual partner preference in males, but not in female rats
R Triana-Del Rio, F Montero-Domínguez, T Cibrian-Llanderal, ...
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 99 (4), 604-613, 2011
The role of pubococcygeus muscle in urinary continence in the male rat
J Manzo, A Esquivel, ME Hernandez, P Carrillo, M Martinez-Gomez, ...
The Journal of urology 157 (6), 2402-2406, 1997
Multiunit recording of the cerebellar cortex, inferior olive, and fastigial nucleus during copulation in naive and sexually experienced male rats
R Garcia-Martinez, M Miquel, LI Garcia, GA Coria-Avila, CA Perez, ...
The cerebellum 9, 96-102, 2010
Timing between ejaculations changes paternity success
GA Coria-Avila, JG Pfaus, ME Hernandez, J Manzo, P Pacheco
Physiology & behavior 80 (5), 733-737, 2004
Prenatal exposure to sodium valproate alters androgen receptor expression in the developing cerebellum in a region and age specific manner in male and female rats
M Perez-Pouchoulen, M Miquel, P Saft, B Brug, R Toledo, ME Hernandez, ...
International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 53, 46-52, 2016
Androgen receptors in Purkinje neurons are modulated by systemic testosterone and sexual training in a region-specific manner in the male rat
M Perez-Pouchoulen, R Toledo, LI Garcia, CA Perez-Estudillo, ...
Physiology & Behavior 156, 191-198, 2016
Histological modifications of the rat prostate following transection of somatic and autonomic nerves
R Diaz, LI Garcia, J Locia, M Silva, S Rodriguez, CA Perez, ...
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 82, 397-404, 2010
Conceptos básicos de la epilepsia
ML López-Meraz, L Rocha, M Miquel, ME Hernández, RT Cárdenas, ...
Revista Medica de La Universidad Veracruzana 9 (2), 31-37, 2009
Rehabilitating a brain with Alzheimer’s: a proposal
GE Aranda-Abreu, ME Hernández-Aguilar, JM Denes, LIG Hernández, ...
Clinical interventions in aging, 53-59, 2011
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Articles 1–20