Trevor M. Willey
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Cited by
Controlling interdependent meso-nanosecond dynamics and defect generation in metal 3D printing
SA Khairallah, AA Martin, JRI Lee, G Guss, NP Calta, JA Hammons, ...
Science 368 (6491), 660-665, 2020
Monochromatic electron photoemission from diamondoid monolayers
WL Yang, JD Fabbri, TM Willey, JRI Lee, JE Dahl, RMK Carlson, ...
Science 316 (5830), 1460-1462, 2007
High Surface Area, sp2-Cross-Linked Three-Dimensional Graphene Monoliths
MA Worsley, TY Olson, JRI Lee, TM Willey, MH Nielsen, SK Roberts, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 2 (8), 921-925, 2011
Rapid degradation of alkanethiol-based self-assembled monolayers on gold in ambient laboratory conditions
TM Willey, AL Vance, T Van Buuren, C Bostedt, LJ Terminello, CS Fadley
Surface Science 576 (1-3), 188-196, 2005
High performance aluminum–cerium alloys for high-temperature applications
ZC Sims, OR Rios, D Weiss, PEA Turchi, A Perron, JRI Lee, TT Li, ...
Materials Horizons 4 (6), 1070-1078, 2017
Ultrafast dynamics of laser-metal interactions in additive manufacturing alloys captured by in situ X-ray imaging
AA Martin, NP Calta, JA Hammons, SA Khairallah, MH Nielsen, ...
Materials Today Advances 1, 100002, 2019
Electronic structure of titania aerogels from soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy
SO Kucheyev, T Van Buuren, TF Baumann, JH Satcher Jr, TM Willey, ...
Physical Review B 69 (24), 245102, 2004
Structure and composition of Cu-doped CdSe nanocrystals using soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy
RW Meulenberg, T van Buuren, KM Hanif, TM Willey, GF Strouse, ...
Nano letters 4 (11), 2277-2285, 2004
Strong quantum-confinement effects in the conduction band of germanium nanocrystals
C Bostedt, T Van Buuren, TM Willey, N Franco, LJ Terminello, C Heske, ...
Applied physics letters 84 (20), 4056-4058, 2004
Macroscopic 3D nanographene with dynamically tunable bulk properties
J Biener, S Dasgupta, L Shao, D Wang, MA Worsley, A Wittstock, JRI Lee, ...
Advanced Materials 24 (37), 5083-5087, 2012
Surface electronic states in three-dimensional nanostructures
SO Kucheyev, TF Baumann, PA Sterne, YM Wang, T Van Buuren, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (3), 035404, 2005
Grain size dependent mechanical properties of nanocrystalline diamond films grown by hot-filament CVD
M Wiora, K Bruehne, A Floeter, P Gluche, TM Willey, SO Kucheyev, ...
Diamond and Related Materials 18 (5-8), 927-930, 2009
Molecular limits to the quantum confinement model in diamond clusters
TM Willey, C Bostedt, T Van Buuren, JE Dahl, SG Liu, RMK Carlson, ...
Physical review letters 95 (11), 113401, 2005
Three-Dimensional Coherent X-Ray Diffraction Imaging of a Ceramic Nanofoam:<? format?> Determination of Structural Deformation Mechanisms
A Barty, S Marchesini, HN Chapman, C Cui, MR Howells, DA Shapiro, ...
Physical review letters 101 (5), 055501, 2008
Structural development of mercaptophenol self-assembled monolayers and the overlying mineral phase during templated CaCO3 crystallization from a transient amorphous film
JRI Lee, TYJ Han, TM Willey, D Wang, RW Meulenberg, J Nilsson, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (34), 10370-10381, 2007
Observation of quantum confinement in the occupied states of diamond clusters
TM Willey, C Bostedt, T Van Buuren, JE Dahl, SG Liu, RMK Carlson, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (20), 205432, 2006
Changes in Pore Size Distribution upon Thermal Cycling of TATB‐based Explosives Measured by Ultra‐Small Angle X‐Ray Scattering
TM Willey, T van Buuren, JRI Lee, GE Overturf, JH Kinney, J Handly, ...
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics: An International Journal Dealing with …, 2006
Synthesis and characterization of a nanocrystalline diamond aerogel
PJ Pauzauskie, JC Crowhurst, MA Worsley, TA Laurence, ALD Kilcoyne, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (21), 8550-8553, 2011
Measurement of carbon condensates using small-angle x-ray scattering during detonation of the high explosive hexanitrostilbene
M Bagge-Hansen, L Lauderbach, R Hodgin, S Bastea, L Fried, A Jones, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 117 (24), 2015
Surface structure and chemical switching of thioctic acid adsorbed on Au (111) as observed using near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure
TM Willey, AL Vance, C Bostedt, T van Buuren, RW Meulenberg, ...
Langmuir 20 (12), 4939-4944, 2004
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Articles 1–20