Benedetta Morini
Cited by
Cited by
An affine scaling trust-region approach to bound-constrained nonlinear systems
S Bellavia, M Macconi, B Morini
Applied Numerical Mathematics 44 (3), 257-280, 2003
A globally convergent Newton-GMRES subspace method for systems of nonlinear equations
S Bellavia, B Morini
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 23 (3), 940-960, 2001
Convergence behaviour of inexact Newton methods
B Morini
Mathematics of Computation 68 (228), 1605-1613, 1999
Computational techniques for real logarithms of matrices
L Dieci, B Morini, A Papini
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 17 (3), 570-593, 1996
STRSCNE: A scaled trust-region solver for constrained nonlinear equations
S Bellavia, M Macconi, B Morini
Computational Optimization and Applications 28, 31-50, 2004
Adaptive regularization algorithms with inexact evaluations for nonconvex optimization
S Bellavia, G Gurioli, B Morini, PL Toint
SIAM Journal on Optimization 29 (4), 2881-2915, 2019
Minimization of an edge-preserving regularization functional by conjugate gradient type methods
JF Cai, R Chan, B Morini
Image Processing Based on Partial Differential Equations: Proceedings of the …, 2007
TRESNEI, a Matlab trust-region solver for systems of nonlinear equalities and inequalities
B Morini, M Porcelli
Computational Optimization and Applications 51 (1), 27-49, 2012
An interior point Newton‐like method for non‐negative least‐squares problems with degenerate solution
S Bellavia, M Macconi, B Morini
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 13 (10), 825-846, 2006
Trust-region quadratic methods for nonlinear systems of mixed equalities and inequalities
M Macconi, B Morini, M Porcelli
Applied Numerical Mathematics 59 (5), 859-876, 2009
On the use of iterative methods in cubic regularization for unconstrained optimization
T Bianconcini, G Liuzzi, B Morini, M Sciandrone
Computational Optimization and Applications 60, 35-57, 2015
Convergence of a regularized Euclidean residual algorithm for nonlinear least-squares
S Bellavia, C Cartis, NIM Gould, B Morini, PL Toint
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 48 (1), 1-29, 2010
An inexact Cayley transform method for inverse eigenvalue problems
ZJ Bai, RH Chan, B Morini
Inverse Problems 20 (5), 1675, 2004
Subspace trust-region methods for large bound-constrained nonlinear equations
S Bellavia, B Morini
SIAM journal on numerical analysis 44 (4), 1535-1555, 2006
A matrix-free preconditioner for sparse symmetric positive definite systems and least-squares problems
S Bellavia, J Gondzio, B Morini
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 35 (1), A192-A211, 2013
Adaptive cubic regularization methods with dynamic inexact Hessian information and applications to finite-sum minimization
S Bellavia, G Gurioli, B Morini
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 41 (1), 764-799, 2021
Nonsymmetric preconditioner updates in Newton–Krylov methods for nonlinear systems
S Bellavia, D Bertaccini, B Morini
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 33 (5), 2595-2619, 2011
A reduced Newton method for constrained linear least-squares problems
B Morini, M Porcelli, RH Chan
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 233 (9), 2200-2212, 2010
Efficient preconditioner updates for shifted linear systems
S Bellavia, V De Simone, D Di Serafino, B Morini
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 33 (4), 1785-1809, 2011
Quasi-Newton methods for constrained nonlinear systems: complexity analysis and applications
L Marini, B Morini, M Porcelli
Computational Optimization and Applications 71, 147-170, 2018
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Articles 1–20