Sauvik Banerjee
Sauvik Banerjee
Professor of Civil Engineering
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A conceptual structural health monitoring system based on vibration and wave propagation
A Mal, F Ricci, S Banerjee, F Shih
Structural Health Monitoring 4 (3), 283-293, 2005
A wave propagation and vibration-based approach for damage identification in structural components
S Banerjee, F Ricci, E Monaco, A Mal
Journal of sound and vibration 322 (1-2), 167-183, 2009
Identification of disbond and high density core region in a honeycomb composite sandwich structure using ultrasonic guided waves
S Sikdar, S Banerjee
Composite Structures 152, 568-578, 2016
Damage-induced acoustic emission source monitoring in a honeycomb sandwich composite structure
S Sikdar, P Mirgal, S Banerjee, W Ostachowicz
Composites Part B: Engineering 158, 179-188, 2019
Acoustic emission waveforms in composite laminates under low velocity impact
AK Mal, F Shih, S Banerjee
Smart Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring of Structural and …, 2003
Damage identification in aluminum beams using support vector machine: Numerical and experimental studies
SB Satpal, A Guha, S Banerjee
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 23 (3), 446-457, 2016
Theoretical modeling of guided wave propagation in a sandwich plate subjected to transient surface excitations
S Banerjee, CB Pol
International Journal of Solids and Structures 49 (23-24), 3233-3241, 2012
Autonomous impact damage monitoring in a stiffened composite panel
S Banerjee, F Ricci, E Monaco, L Lecce, A Mal
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 18 (6), 623-633, 2007
Online acoustic emission source localization in concrete structures using iterative and evolutionary algorithms
P Mirgal, J Pal, S Banerjee
Ultrasonics 108, 106211, 2020
Calculation of the response of a composite plate to localized dynamic surface loads using a new wave number integral method
S Banerjee, W Prosser, A Mal
J. Appl. Mech. 72 (1), 18-24, 2005
An automated damage identification technique based on vibration and wave propagation data
A Mal, S Banerjee, F Ricci
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2007
Effects of debonding on Lamb wave propagation in a bonded composite structure under variable temperature conditions
S Sikdar, P Fiborek, P Kudela, S Banerjee, W Ostachowicz
Smart Materials and Structures 28 (1), 015021, 2018
Identification of incipient pitting corrosion in reinforced concrete structures using guided waves and piezoelectric wafer transducers
RC Sriramadasu, Y Lu, S Banerjee
Structural Health Monitoring 18 (1), 164-171, 2019
Vibration and buckling analyses of laminated panels with and without cutouts under compressive and tensile edge loads
T Rajanna, S Banerjee, YM Desai, DL Prabhakara
Steel and composite structures 21 (1), 37-55, 2016
Unsupervised learning framework for temperature compensated damage identification and localization in ultrasonic guided wave SHM with transfer learning
S Sawant, A Sethi, S Banerjee, S Tallur
Ultrasonics 130, 106931, 2023
Detection and assessment of pitting corrosion in rebars using scattering of ultrasonic guided waves
RC Sriramadasu, S Banerjee, Y Lu
Ndt & E International 101, 53-61, 2019
Effect of reinforced cutouts and ply-orientations on buckling behavior of composite panels subjected to non-uniform edge loads
T Rajanna, S Banerjee, YM Desai, DL Prabhakara
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 18 (04), 1850058, 2018
Damage detection in structures from vibration and wave propagation data
AK Mal, F Ricci, S Gibson, S Banerjee
Smart nondestructive evaluation and health monitoring of structural and …, 2003
Effects of partial edge loading and fibre configuration on vibration and buckling characteristics of stiffened composite plates
T Rajanna, S Banerjee, YM Desai, DL Prabhakara
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 13, 854-879, 2016
Effect of boundary conditions and non-uniform edge loads on buckling characteristics of laminated composite panels with and without cutout
T Rajanna, S Banerjee, YM Desai, DL Prabhakara
International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and …, 2017
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Articles 1–20