Comercio exterior y fiscalidad: Cuba (1794–1860) N Fernandez-de-Pinedo Echevarría Colección Economía: Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao, 2002 | 41* | 2002 |
Circuits of Knowledge: Foreign Technology and Transnational Expertise in Nineteenth-century Cuba D Pretel, N Fernández-de-Pinedo The Caribbean and the Atlantic World economy: circuits of trade, money and …, 2015 | 23* | 2015 |
Patents, Sugar Technology and Sub-Imperial Institutions in Nineteenth-Century Cuba N Fernández de Pinedo, D Pretel O'Sullivan, J Patricio Sáiz History of Technology 30, 46-62, 2011 | 21 | 2011 |
Recent trends in publications of economic historians in Europe and North America (1980–2019): an empirical analysis N Fernández-de-Pinedo, A La Parra-Perez, FF Muñoz Cliometrica 17 (1), 1-22, 2023 | 14 | 2023 |
Las balanzas del comercio exterior de La Habana, 1803-1807 N Fernández de Pinedo Echevarría UPV, 2000 | 13 | 2000 |
Cuba: de colonia a república M Rodrigo, C Naranjo Orovio, O Zanetti Lecuona, JM Manzano, ... Biblioteca Nueva, 2006 | 12 | 2006 |
A contribution to the analysis of historical economic fluctuations (1870–2010): filtering, spurious cycles, and unobserved component modeling JL Cendejas, FF Muñoz, N Fernández-de-Pinedo Cliometrica 11, 93-125, 2017 | 9 | 2017 |
Commercial relations between USA and Cuba in times of peace and war, 1803-1807 NF de Pinedo Illes i imperis, 5-23, 2001 | 9 | 2001 |
Big data and “new” global history: Global goods and trade networks in early modern China and Europe M Perez-Garcia, L Wang, O Svriz-Wucherer, N Fernández-de-Pinedo, ... Itinerario 46 (1), 14-39, 2022 | 8 | 2022 |
Tax collection in Spain in the 18th century: the case of the “décima” N Fernández de Pinedo Echevarría TAXATION AND DEBT IN THE EARLY MODERN CITY, 2012 | 8* | 2012 |
Technology transfer networks in the first industrial age: the case of Derosne & Cail and the sugar industry (1818–1871) N Fernandez-de-Pinedo, R Castro, D Pretel Business History, 2020 | 7* | 2020 |
Economía y conflicto: urgencias del presente y lecciones del pasado N Fernández-de-Pinedo, FF Muñoz Cuadernos de Economía 37 (105), 159-168, 2014 | 7 | 2014 |
EconHist: a relational database for analyzing the evolution of economic history (1980–2019) A La Parra-Perez, FF Muñoz, N Fernandez-de-Pinedo Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History …, 2022 | 6 | 2022 |
The Royal House of Isabel I of Castile (1492-1504): Use of Silk, Wool and Linen According to the Accounts of Gonzalo de Baeza N Fernandez-de-Pinedo, MPM Zuazo Conservar Património. Special Issue: Studies in Historical Textiles 31 (2019 …, 2019 | 6* | 2019 |
Islas azucareras en el siglo XIX: Cuba, Java y Archipiélago Filipino NF de Pinedo Echevarría Cuba: de colonia a república, 137-155, 2006 | 5* | 2006 |
Crecimiento agrícola y comercio exterior de Cuba con España, 1790-1810 NF de Pinedo Echevarría La excepción americana: Cuba en el ocaso del imperio colonial, 79-104, 2006 | 5 | 2006 |
Memoirs of the Fruits of Globalization: The Markets for Chinese Textiles in New Spain by Jean de Monségur N Fernandez de Pinedo, C Thépaut-Cabasset The Fruits of the Early Globalization: An Iberian Perspective, 261-306, 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
Global Commodities in Early Modern Spain N Fernández-de-Pinedo Global History and New Polycentric Approaches: Europe, Asia and the Americas …, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
A taste for French Style in Bourbon Spain: Food, Drink and Clothing in 1740s Madrid N Fernandez-de-Pinedo, C Thépaut-Cabasset A Taste for Luxury in Early Modern Europe. Display, Acquisition and …, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |
Procesos económicos, desarrollo tecnológico e instituciones: el papel de la intencionalidad de los agentes FFM Pérez, MIE del Pozo, NF de Pinedo Echevarría Desarrollo económico y cambio tecnológico: teoría, marco global e …, 2015 | 4 | 2015 |