David Brown
David Brown
University of Alberta, Department of Economics
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Designing compensation for distributed solar generation: Is net metering ever optimal?
DP Brown, DEM Sappington
The Energy Journal 38 (3), 1-32, 2017
Measuring market power and the efficiency of Alberta's restructured electricity market: An energy‐only market design
DP Brown, DEH Olmstead
Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique 50 (3), 838-870, 2017
On the benefits of behind-the-meter rooftop solar and energy storage: The importance of retail rate design
R Boampong, DP Brown
Energy economics 86, 104682, 2020
Capacity payment mechanisms and investment incentives in restructured electricity markets
DP Brown
Energy Economics 74, 131-142, 2018
On the role of maximum demand charges in the presence of distributed generation resources
DP Brown, DEM Sappington
Energy Economics 69, 237-249, 2018
Residential electricity pricing in Texas's competitive retail market
DP Brown, CH Tsai, CK Woo, J Zarnikau, S Zhu
Energy Economics 92, 104953, 2020
Electricity markets in transition: Market distortions associated with retail price controls
DP Brown, A Eckert, H Eckert
The Electricity Journal 30 (5), 32-37, 2017
Carbon pricing with an output subsidy under imperfect competition: The case of Alberta's restructured electricity market
DP Brown, A Eckert, H Eckert
Resource and Energy Economics 52, 102-123, 2018
Does locational marginal pricing impact generation investment location decisions? An analysis of Texas’s wholesale electricity market
DP Brown, J Zarnikau, CK Woo
Journal of Regulatory Economics 58, 99-140, 2020
Optimal policies to promote efficient distributed generation of electricity
DP Brown, DEM Sappington
Journal of Regulatory Economics 52, 159-188, 2017
Using Bayesian imputation to assess racial and ethnic disparities in pediatric performance measures
DP Brown, C Knapp, K Baker, M Kaufmann
Health services research 51 (3), 1095-1108, 2016
Electricity market mergers with endogenous forward contracting
DP Brown, A Eckert
Journal of Regulatory Economics 51, 269-310, 2017
Socioeconomic and demographic disparities in residential battery storage adoption: Evidence from California
DP Brown
Energy Policy 164, 112877, 2022
Information and transparency in wholesale electricity markets: evidence from Alberta
DP Brown, A Eckert, J Lin
Journal of Regulatory Economics 54, 292-330, 2018
Rising market concentration in Texas’s retail electricity market
DP Brown, J Zarnikau, P Adib, CH Tsai, CK Woo
The Electricity Journal 33 (8), 106848, 2020
Pricing patterns in wholesale electricity markets: Unilateral market power or coordinated behavior?
DP Brown, A Eckert
The Journal of Industrial Economics 70 (1), 168-216, 2022
The effect of default rates on retail competition and pricing decisions of competitive retailers: The case of Alberta
DP Brown, A Eckert
Energy Policy 118, 298-311, 2018
Analyzing firm behavior in restructured electricity markets: Empirical challenges with a residual demand analysis
DP Brown, A Eckert
International Journal of Industrial Organization 74, 102676, 2021
Optimal procurement of distributed energy resources
DP Brown, DEM Sappington
The Energy Journal 39 (5), 131-156, 2018
Analyzing the impact of electricity market structure changes and mergers: The importance of forward commitments
DP Brown, A Eckert
Review of Industrial Organization 52, 101-137, 2018
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