Andrea Linarello
Andrea Linarello
Economist, Bank of Italy
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Productivity growth in Italy: a tale of a slow-motion change
M Bugamelli, F Lotti, M Amici, E Ciapanna, F Colonna, F D’Amuri, ...
Bank of Italy Occasional Paper, 2018
Back on track? A macro-micro narrative of Italian exports
M Bugamelli, S Fabiani, S Federico, A Felettigh, C Giordano, A Linarello
Questioni di Economia e Finanza (Occasional Paper), 2017
Productivity and Reallocation. Evidence From the universe of Italian firms
A Linarello, A Petrella
Questioni di Economia e Finanza (Occasional Paper), 2016
Management practices and resilience to shocks: Evidence from COVID-19
A Lamorgese, M Patnaik, A Linarello, F Schivardi
Management Science, 2024
Free trade agreements and firm-product markups in Chilean manufacturing
AR Lamorgese, A Linarello, FMP Warzynski
The impact of Chinese import competition on Italian manufacturing
L Citino, A Linarello
Review of International Economics 30 (3), 702-731, 2022
Direct and indirect effects of trade liberalization: Evidence from Chile
A Linarello
Journal of Development Economics 134, 160-175, 2018
Legal enforcement and global value chains: micro-evidence from Italian manufacturing firms
A Accetturo, A Linarello, A Petrella
Bank of Italy Occasional Paper, 2017
Measuring market power: macro-and micro-evidence from Italy
E Ciapanna, S Formai, A Linarello, G Rovigatti
Empirical Economics, 1-41, 2024
Credit Shocks and Allocative Efficiency during a Financial Crisis
A Linarello, A Petrella, E Sette
International Journal of Central Banking 18 (3), 125-171, 2022
Ownership, governance, management and firm performance: evidence from Italian firms
A Baltrunaite, S Formai, A Linarello, S Mocetti
Italian Economic Journal, 1-35, 2023
Management practices and resilience to shocks: Evidence from covid-19
F Schivardi, M Patnaik, A Linarello, A Lamorgese
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP15987, 2021
Key factors behind productivity trends in EU countries
W Modery, P Lopez-Garcia, M Albani, C Baccianti, R Barrela, K Bodnár, ...
The'Margin call'. Export experience and firm entry into new export markets
M Bugamelli, A Linarello, R Serafini
Questioni di Economia e Finanza (Occasional Papers), 2019
An integrated dataset of Italian firms: 2005-2014
A Linarello, CC Abbate, MG Ladu
Questioni di Economia e Finanza (Occasional Papers), 2017
Innovation and trade. Evidence from Italian manufacturing firms
A Accetturo, M Bugamelli, AR Lamorgese, A Linarello
Temi di Discussione Bankitalia 464, 2014
Creation, destruction and reallocation of jobs in italian firms: an analysis based on administrative data
L Citino, A Linarello, F Lotti, A Petrella, E Sette, E Di Porto
Bank of Italy Occasional Paper, 2023
Trade shocks, product mix adjustment and productivity growth in Italian manufacturing
MG Ladu, A Linarello, F Oropallo
The World Economy 43 (5), 1434-1451, 2020
Inputs in distress: geoeconomic fragmentation and firms’ sourcing
L Panon, L Lebastard, M Mancini, A Borin, P Caka, G Cariola, D Essers, ...
Documentos de Trabajo/Banco de España, 2436, 2024
Productivity Dynamics over the Last Decade. Evidence from the Universe of Italian Firms
M Bugamelli, A Linarello, F Lotti
La Produttività delle Imprese Italiane: Andamento, Determinanti e Proposte …, 2020
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