G. Logan Miller
G. Logan Miller
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Illuminating activities at paleo crossing (33ME 274) through microwear analysis
GL Miller
Lithic Technology 38 (2), 97-108, 2013
Lithic microwear analysis as a means to infer production of perishable technology: a case from the Great Lakes
GL Miller
Journal of Archaeological Science 49, 292-301, 2014
Hunter-gatherer gatherings: Stone-tool microwear from the Welling Site (33-Co-2), Ohio, USA supports Clovis use of outcrop-related base camps during the Pleistocene Peopling of …
GL Miller, MR Bebber, A Rutkoski, R Haythorn, MT Boulanger, ...
World Archaeology 51 (1), 47-75, 2019
Ritual economy and craft production in small-scale societies: evidence from microwear analysis of Hopewell bladelets
GL Miller
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 39, 124-138, 2015
Paleo Crossing (33ME274): a Clovis site in northeastern Ohio
MI Eren, BG Redmond, GL Miller, B Buchanan, MT Boulanger, ...
In the eastern fluted point tradition 2, 2018
Description and microwear analysis of Clovis artifacts on a glacially-deposited secondary chert source near the Hartley Mastodon discovery, Columbiana County, Northeastern Ohio …
MR Bebber, GL Miller, MT Boulanger, BN Andrews, BG Redmond, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 12, 543-552, 2017
The morphometrics and microwear of a small Clovis assemblage from Guernsey County, Southeastern Ohio, USA
A Werner, K Jones, GL Miller, B Buchanan, MT Boulanger, AJM Key, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 15, 318-329, 2017
Ritual, labor mobilization, and monumental construction in small-scale societies: the case of Adena and Hopewell in the middle Ohio River valley
GL Miller
Current Anthropology 62 (2), 164-197, 2021
The Wauseon Clovis fluted point preform, Northwest Ohio, USA: Observations, geometric morphometrics, microwear, and toolstone procurement distance
MI Eren, BG Redmond, GL Miller, B Buchanan, MT Boulanger, A Hall, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 10, 147-154, 2016
Ohio Hopewell Ceremonial Bladelet Use at the Moorehead Circle, Fort Ancient
GL Miller
midcontinental journal of archaeology 39 (1), 83-102, 2014
The Black Diamond site, Northeast Ohio, USA: A new Clovis occupation in a proposed secondary staging area
MI Eren, GL Miller, B Buchanan, MT Boulanger, MR Bebber, ...
Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology 2, 211-233, 2019
Description, morphometrics, and microwear of late Pleistocene-early Holocene artifacts from Southwestern Kentucky, USA
MI Eren, MR Bebber, GL Miller, B Buchanan, M Boulanger, RJ Patten
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 20, 516-523, 2018
Hopewell bladelets: A Bayesian radiocarbon analysis
GL Miller
American Antiquity 83 (2), 224-243, 2018
Smudge pits and stone “drills”: the use of chipped stone tools at Burrell Orchard
GL Miller, BG Redmond
Lithic technology 41 (2), 164-178, 2016
The effect of heat on lithic microwear traces: An experimental assessment
AR Rutkoski, GL Miller, L Maguire, MI Eren, MR Bebber
Lithic Technology 45 (1), 38-47, 2020
Toward a Situational Approach to Understanding Middle Woodland Societies in the North American Midcontinent
ER Henry, GL Miller
Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology, 1-16, 2020
Antelope Springs: A Folsom Site in South Park, Colorado
M Boulanger, RJ Patten, BN Andrews, MR Bebber, B Buchanan, ...
PaleoAmerica, 1-19, 2021
MANA from heaven: Testing the utility of minimum analytical nodule analysis at large, repeatedly reoccupied ceremonial sites
GL Miller
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 8, 1-10, 2016
The Nelson stone tool cache, North-Central Ohio, USA: Assessing its cultural affiliation
MI Eren, MR Bebber, A Mika, K Flood, L Maguire, D Norris, A Perrone, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 37, 102972, 2021
North American Clovis point form and performance IV: An experimental assessment of knife edge effectiveness and wear
MI Eren, GL Miller, B Story, M Wilson, MR Bebber, B Buchanan
Lithic Technology 49 (1), 1-12, 2024
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