Daved Barry
Daved Barry
Professor of Creative Organization Studies
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Strategy retold: Toward a narrative view of strategic discourse
D Barry, M Elmes
Academy of Management Review 22 (2), 429-452, 1997
Entrepreneuring as emancipation
V Rindova, D Barry, DJ Ketchen Jr
Academy of management review 34 (3), 477-491, 2009
Managing the bossless team: Lessons in distributed leadership
D Barry
Organizational Dynamics 21 (1), 31-47, 1991
Seeing more and seeing differently: Sensemaking, mindfulness, and the workarts
D Barry, S Meisiek
Organization Studies 31 (11), 1505-1530, 2010
Goal setting, planning and organizational performance: An experimental simulation
KG Smith, E Locke, D Barry
Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes 46 (1), 118-134, 1990
Artful inquiry: A symbolic constructionist framework for social science research
D Barry
Qualitative Inquiry 2 (4), 411-438, 1997
Telling changes: From narrative family therapy to organizational change and development
D Barry
Journal of Organizational Change Management 10 (1), 32-48, 1997
Regulation is Evil: An application of narrative policy analysis to regulatory debate in New Zealand
T Bridgman, D Barry
Policy Sciences 35 (2), 141-161, 2002
Deliverance, denial, and the death zone: A study of narcissism and regression in the May 1996 Everest climbing disaster
M Elmes, D Barry
Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 35 (2), 163-187, 1999
Through the looking glass of organizational theatre: Analogically mediated inquiry in organizations
S Meisiek, D Barry
Organization studies 28 (12), 1805-1827, 2007
Your forward is our reverse, your right, our wrong: Rethinking multinational planning processes in light of national culture
DM Brock, D Barry, D Thomas
International Business Review 9 (6), 687-701, 2000
Tendo Achillis procedures for chronic ulcerations in diabetic patients with transmetatarsal amputations
DC Barry, KA Sabacinski, GM Habershaw, JM Giurini, JS Chrzan
Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 83 (2), 96-100, 1993
Discovering the business studio
D Barry, S Meisiek
Journal of Management Education 39 (1), 153-175, 2015
To Text or Context: Endotextual, exotextual, and multi-textual approaches to narrative and discursive organizational studies
D Barry, B Carroll, H Hansen
Organization Studies 27 (8), 1091-1110, 2006
The Sage handbook of new approaches in management and organization
D Barry, H Hansen
Sage, 2008
Making the invisible visible: Using analogically-based methods to surface unconscious processes in organizations
D Barry
Organizational Development Journal 12 (4), 37-48, 1994
Going mobile: Aesthetic design considerations from Calder and the Constructivists
D Barry, C Rerup
Organization Science 17 (2), 262-276, 2006
The art of leadership and its fine art shadow
D Barry, S Meisiek
Leadership 6 (3), 331-349, 2010
Shaping the external environment: A study of small business influence public policy
G Cook, Ronald, D Barry
Business and Society 34 (3), 317-344, 1995
What if planning was really strategic?: Exploring the strategy planning relationship in multinationals
D Brock, D Barry
International Business Review 12 (5), 543-561, 2003
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Articles 1–20