Thomas Wimark
Thomas Wimark
Reader/Associate Professor, Uppsala University
Verifisert e-postadresse på kultgeog.uu.se
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Homemaking and perpetual liminality among queer refugees
T Wimark
Social & Cultural Geography 22 (5), 647-665, 2021
The impact of family ties on the mobility decisions of gay men and lesbians
T Wimark
Gender, Place & Culture 23 (5), 659-676, 2016
Tenure type landscapes and housing market change: A geographical perspective on neo-liberalization in Sweden
T Wimark, EK Andersson, B Malmberg
Housing Studies 35 (2), 214-237, 2020
The city as a single gay male magnet? Gay and lesbian geographical concentration in Sweden
T Wimark, J Östh
Population, Space and Place 20 (8), 739-752, 2014
Tenure type mixing and segregation
EK Andersson, T Wimark, B Malmberg
Housing Studies 37 (1), 26-49, 2022
Migrant labour market integration: The association between initial settlement and subsequent employment and income among migrants
T Wimark, K Haandrikman, MM Nielsen
Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 101 (2), 118-137, 2019
Beyond bright city lights: The migration patterns of gay men and lesbians
T Wimark
Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University, 2014
Migration motives of gay men in the new acceptance era: a cohort study from Malmö, Sweden
T Wimark
Social & Cultural Geography 17 (5), 605-622, 2016
Unaccompanied children claiming asylum on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity
D Hedlund, T Wimark
Journal of Refugee Studies 32 (2), 257-277, 2019
Health-related regional and neighborhood correlates of sexual minority concentration: a systematic review
JGL Lee, T Wimark, KS Ortiz, KB Sewell
PLoS One 13 (6), e0198751, 2018
Housing policy with violent outcomes–the domestication of queer asylum seekers in a heteronormative society
T Wimark
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47 (3), 703-722, 2021
Boendesegregation i Sverige–en översikt av det aktuella forskningsläget
T Wimark
Bostad 2030, 2018
The life course and emotions beyond fieldwork: affect as position and experience
T Wimark
Gender, Place & Culture 24 (3), 438-448, 2017
En granskning av Norges planeringssystem
C Fredricsson, L Smas, O Damsgaard, LG Harbo, T Wimark
Nordregio, 2013
Metoder och verktyg för sociala nyttoberäkningar i kollektivtrafiken
T Wimark
Kulturgeografiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet, 2017
A life course approach to the field and fieldwork
T Wimark, NM Lewis, MA Caretta
Area 49 (4), 390-393, 2017
Invandringens effekter på Sveriges ekonomiska utveckling
B Malmberg, T Wimark, J Turunen, L Axelsson
Stockholm: Statens Offentliga Utredningar, 2016
Same‐sex marriage and neighbourhood landscape overlap—A revised understanding of the spatial distribution of gay men and lesbians
T Wimark, F Fortes De Lena
Population, Space and Place 28 (2), e2507, 2022
Is it really tolerance? Expanding the knowledge about diversity for the creative class
T Wimark
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 105 (1), 46-63, 2014
Is where same-sex couples live a valid measure for where single lesbian, gay, and bisexual people live in population health research? Results from a National Probability Phone …
JGL Lee, MH Boynton, BE Shook-Sa, T Wimark
Annals of LGBTQ public and population health 1 (2), 96, 2020
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