Greg Barron
Greg Barron
Assistant Professor, Harvard Business School, (2003 - 2010)
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Cited by
Decisions from experience and the effect of rare events in risky choice
R Hertwig, G Barron, EU Weber, I Erev
Psychological science 15 (8), 534-539, 2004
Small feedback‐based decisions and their limited correspondence to description‐based decisions
G Barron, I Erev
Journal of behavioral decision making 16 (3), 215-233, 2003
On adaptation, maximization, and reinforcement learning among cognitive strategies.
I Erev, G Barron
Psychological review 112 (4), 912, 2005
The role of personal experience in contributing to different patterns of response to rare terrorist attacks
E Yechiam, G Barron, I Erev
Journal of Conflict Resolution 49 (3), 430-439, 2005
The effects of queue structure on attitudes
A Rafaeli, G Barron, K Haber
Journal of service research 5 (2), 125-139, 2002
Private e-mail requests and the diffusion of responsibility
G Barron, E Yechiam
Computers in Human Behavior 18 (5), 507-520, 2002
The role of experience in the Gambler's Fallacy
G Barron, S Leider
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 23 (1), 117-129, 2010
Learning and equilibrium as useful approximations: Accuracy of prediction on randomly selected constant sum games
I Erev, AE Roth, RL Slonim, G Barron
Economic Theory 33 (1), 29-51, 2007
The coexistence of overestimation and underweighting of rare events and the contingent recency effect
G Barron, E Yechiam
Judgment and Decision making 4 (6), 447-460, 2009
On the robustness and the direction of the effect of cause‐related marketing
E Yechiam, G Barron, I Erev, M Erez
Journal of Consumer Behaviour: An International Research Review 2 (4), 320-332, 2003
The effect of safe experience on a warnings’ impact: Sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll
G Barron, S Leider, J Stack
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 106 (2), 125-142, 2008
The effect of experience on using a safety device
E Yechiam, I Erev, G Barron
Safety science 44 (6), 515-522, 2006
Predictive value and the usefulness of game theoretic models
I Erev, AE Roth, RL Slonim, G Barron
International Journal of Forecasting 18 (3), 359-368, 2002
Underweighting rare events in experience based decisions: Beyond sample error
G Barron, G Ursino
Journal of Economic Psychology 39, 278-286, 2013
Combining a theoretical prediction with experimental evidence to yield a new prediction: An experimental design with a random sample of tasks
I Erev, AE Roth, RL Slonim, G Barron
Unpublished manuscript, Columbia University and Faculty of Industrial …, 2002
Learning to ignore online help requests
E Yechiam, G Barron
Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory 9, 327-339, 2003
Queues and fairness: A multiple study experimental investigation
A Rafaeli, E Kedmi, D Vashdi, G Barron
Manuscript under review, 2005
Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity (LAST): Not Gone, Hopefully Not Forgotten
G Weinberg, G Barron
Regional anesthesia and pain medicine 41 (1), 1-2, 2016
Choosing to be uncertain: Preferences for high variance experiences
J Martin, G Barron, M Norton
Combining a theoretical prediction with experimental evidence
I Erev, AE Roth, R Slonim, G Barron
Available at SSRN 1111712, 2002
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Articles 1–20