Hui Lei
Cited by
Cited by
Mobile crowdsensing: current state and future challenges
RK Ganti, F Ye, H Lei
IEEE communications Magazine 49 (11), 32-39, 2011
Method and apparatus for content pre-fetching and preparation
DMS GS Banavar, MR Ebling, GDH Hunt, H Lei
US Patent 8,516,114, 2013
Method and apparatus for product lifecycle management in a distributed environment enabled by dynamic business process composition and execution by rule inference
D Flaxer, H Chang, H Lei, LJ Zhang, JJ Jeng, L Zeng
US Patent App. 10/359,732, 2004
An analytical approach to file prefetching
H Lei, D Duchamp
Proceedings of the 1997 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, 275-88, 1997
VDN: Virtual machine image distribution network for cloud data centers
C Peng, M Kim, Z Zhang, H Lei
2012 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 181-189, 2012
The design and applications of a context service
H Lei, DM Sow, JS Davis, G Banavar, MR Ebling
ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review 6 (4), 45-55, 2002
Ad hoc networking with mobile IP
Proc. of EPMCC'97, Bonn, Germany, 1997
Monitoring the QoS for web services
L Zeng, H Lei, H Chang
Service-Oriented Computing–ICSOC 2007: Fifth International Conference …, 2007
The design and implementation of a smart building control system
H Chen, P Chou, S Duri, H Lei, J Reason
2009 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, 255-262, 2009
Context-aware computing [Guest Editors' Intro.]
GD Abowd, M Ebling, G Hung, H Lei, HW Gellersen
IEEE pervasive computing 1 (3), 22-23, 2002
A scalable and elastic publish/subscribe service
M Li, F Ye, M Kim, H Chen, H Lei
2011 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, 1254-1265, 2011
Intelligent file hoarding for mobile computers
C Tait, H Lei, S Acharya, H Chang
Proceedings of the 1st annual international conference on Mobile computing …, 1995
Dynamic composition and optimization of web services
L Zeng, AHH Ngu, B Benatallah, R Podorozhny, H Lei
Distributed and Parallel Databases 24, 45-72, 2008
Issues for context services for pervasive computing
M Ebling, GDH Hunt, H Lei
Workshop on Middleware for Mobile Computing, 2001
An empirical analysis of similarity in virtual machine images
KR Jayaram, C Peng, Z Zhang, M Kim, H Chen, H Lei
Proceedings of the Middleware 2011 Industry Track Workshop, 1-6, 2011
Flexible composition of enterprise web services
L Zeng, B Benatallah, H Lei, A Ngu, D Flaxer, H Chang
Electronic Markets 13 (2), 141-152, 2003
System and method for context-aware unified communications
H Lei, A Ranganathan
US Patent 7,706,785, 2010
Policy-driven exception-management for composite web services
L Zeng, H Lei, J Jeng, JY Chung, B Benatallah
Seventh IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC'05), 355-363, 2005
A hybrid approach to high availability in stream processing systems
Z Zhang, Y Gu, F Ye, H Yang, M Kim, H Lei, Z Liu
2010 IEEE 30th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems …, 2010
Method and system for collaborative web browsing
HY Chang, FF Heath III, H Lei, JS Li, Y Patnaik, M Dikun
US Patent 7,401,294, 2008
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20